Chapter 7

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Kadience's POV

"So what did you and Rashad talk about?" I asked Karma between bites of my strawberry. We had just gotten back from the restaurant and I decided to let everyone sleep at my house since it was to late for them to go home. We had enough bedrooms so why the hell not? My mom wasn't here anyways.

"Ohh nothing , he was trying to get with me as usual." She said rolling here eyes and biting an apple. I wanted to believe her but I felt as though she was lying to me. It wasn't my business who she talked to or fucked with, but this was Rashad we were talking about. The same Rashad who was pushing himself on me a few weeks ago. A few days ago she was telling me that he's been her crush since middle school so why should I believe her when she said nothing happened.

"Ohh ok , just wondering." I said putting the remainder of the strawberries in the fridge. "Well goodnight." I said before kissing her cheek and making my way up stairs.

When I got in my room Jay was stretched out on the floor, snoring like a little baby. He was so cute i had to take a picture and put it on Instagram. му вιg вαву was the caption. I shook him gently he wouldn't wake up . So I kept shaking him and he still wouldn't move , so I punched him in the chest.

"Damn girl." He said coughing and rubbing his chest. I laughed at him , it was so funny.

"Sorry but you wouldn't wake up."

"I'm up now , you almost got shot." He said getting up off the floor and heading to the bathroom.

"Imma thug ! And you ain't bout that life. I'm the shootah you not !" I yelled at him. I laughed and laid back in my bed and scrolled through twitter.

I didn't even notice when Jay came out the bathroom. He had tackled me and was now tickling me and I hated to be tickled. "You a what?"He said picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.

"Put me down!" I squealed.

"Nahh , you wanted to talk all that shit ." He said heading over to door that led to my balcony.

"Jayden I swear if you drop me imma beat your ass !" I yelled as I was holding on to the back of his jeans.

"Hush." He said before slapping my ass and placing me back on my feet. When I was back on the ground I punched the hell out of his chest. "Damn bae ." He said grabbing his chest. "You gone stop hitting me like that."

"Well you shouldn't have threaten me and you will be just fine." I said kissing his cheek.

It felt so good outside and the moon was so pretty. I went over to the rail and leaned on it looking up at the sky. I did this every night I even bought Kaden out here a couple of times. Even though I had never met my dad , I often thought about him . What was he like ? Was he a good man ? My mom used to tell me stories about him every night , but those stop when I started high school.

"What are you thinking about?" Jay asked me wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder.

"My dad." I said continuing to look at the stars in the sky.

"Why you thinking about him ?"

"I don't know , I just wonder what type of person he was." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Ohh you don't know him or something."

"I never met him, he died when my mom was pregnant with me." I said sighing.

"Damn bae , I'm sorry . How he die if you don't mind me asking?"

"He was a fire fighter , he was trying to save a little girl from a burning house . He died , she lived. A week later I saw on the news that she got shot in a drive by." Tears began to fill in my eyes. "It's all so tragic , innocent lives being taken away everyday."

"Where did all of this happen?" Jay asked stepping away from me.

"In New York." I said wiping my eyes.

"That was my sister Paris he saved." He said with tears in his eyes .

Short I know but comment and vote please !

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