Chapter 18

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Jazmine's POV

"Babe what's wrong ?" Jalin asked me rubbing my shoulder. I was standing in the mirror in our bedroom looking at myself crying. I looked like a big  ass whale.

"I'm so fat." I said hiding my face behind my hands.

"Jazmine you are not fat."

"Yes I am Jalin !" I yelled at him hitting him in his chest. "I'm not going to the bowling alley, you can go I'll stay here. Just tell the crew I'm sick." I said climbing back in bed.

"Uh uhh get cha ass up ! We going to the alley together." Jalin said pulling on my arm.

"But I don't wanna." I said poking out my bottom lip and folding my arms.

"I don't care now get up !" Jalin yelled which made me cry even more.

"Why did you yell at me?"

"Bae I didn't mean it but if we don't leave now were going to be late." He said sighing. I knew I was getting on Jalin nerves crying every 5 seconds but it wasn't my fault. My hormones and emotions are every where right about now. I finally got up and gathered my things. I packed my purse and a few snacks just in case I got hungry on the way.

Emoni's POV

"Babe." Malik called out. I had just gotten out the shower, we were suppose to be meeting everyone at the bowling alley at 9 and it was 8:30. I still had to find something to wear. Kadience had already left and mom was out of town at another court hearing as usual.

I wrapped a towel around me and went back into my room to see what it was Malik wanted. "Yes?" I said going through my draws trying to find matching under garments.

"Were going to be late hurry up." He said rushing me. I hated to be rushed. I dropped my towel relieving my naked body. Malik eyes widen like he had never seen me before. "What?" I said stepping into my black lace panties.

"Nun it's just been a while." He said licking his lips.

"Malik please." I scoffed "we just had sex last week we keep it up and I won't have any walls." I said truthfully.

"Moni I don't know why you playing you know you want too." He said stepping closer to me. "And if you didn't you wouldn't have dropped you're towel in front of me, you usually get dressed in the bathroom." By this time I was pressed between him and my dresser. He was grinding his area on my ass and I had to admit I liked it.

"Malik move we're going to be late." I said trying to push him away with my ass but he wasn't moving. He started placing kisses on my neck and my back as I let out soft moans. I turned around to face him and he picked me up and put me on the dresser. One by one he took my boobs out the cups of my bra and sucked on them as I moaned and caressed his head. I slipped my small hands into his boxers and started to massage his dick. He didn't even say anything he just bit his lip and smiled at me, that turned me on even more. I unbuckled his belt ,unzipped his pants and pushed his pants and boxers down to the floor with my feet.

He slowly slid inside of me, thrusting deeper and deeper each time as I dug my nails into his back. As many times Malik and I have had Sex I still Have yet to get use to his size. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and arms around his neck. He began bouncing me up and down on his dick causing me to moan uncontrollably. Before I could warn him I came all over him. I heard my phone rang and reached back on the dresser to answer it. "Hello." I moaned into the phone without looking at the caller I.D.

"Bitch where the fuck are you everybody is... Are you having sex?!" Katia yelled into the phone.

"Fuck Malik ! Wait !" I yelled as he was pounding the hell out of me. He took my phone and threw it on the bed then he laid me on the floor in a position I couldn't get out of. Let's just say when we finished Malik's back was bleeding and he had bite marks and hickeys all on his neck. As for me , I needed to go to the gym to collect my walls.

Kadience's POV

"Yasss!" I screamed then did the nae nae. "Now that's how you bowl." I said taking my seat in Jayden's lap. We were all at the bowling alley, the regular Crew. Jayden and I , Jazmine and Jalin , Emoni and Malik finally made it and Jason and Katia and Kaden. I tried to get Karma to come but she wouldn't answer her phone.

We all decided to take a break and eat pizza before it was time to beat the guys in bowling again. The first time around we (girls) won 145 to 90.

"Can I say grace ?" Kaden asked looking up at up me.

"Yes baby you can say grace." I replied. Everyone joined hands and bowed their heads.

"Thank you God for this food and thank you for my mommy and daddy and all my aunties and uncles. Amen." Kaden said before taking a bite of pizza.

I was still shocked that he called me his mom I looked over at Jayden and he just shrugged his shoulders. I guess it's ok as long as he doesn't say it in front of his real mom.

Jalin's POV

We pulled up out side of Slugs house , me and Jayden had to make a drop. It was going on 1 am and I was tired as hell. I looked in my review mirror and saw a black Ferrari pull up behind us. I saw Katia getting out the car. She had on black leather tights , black boots with heels, a black leather jacket , black shades and black lipstick I ain't gone lie shawty was bad as fuck.

We got out the car and I grabbed the black duffle bag that was full of bricks. We said nothing as Katia led the way. She knocked and waited for the door to be opened. Jayden and I just looked at each other completely dumbfounded of what was going on. Why was she even here ? Slug opened the door shocked when he saw Katia. "Happy to see me?" She asked with a fake smile before pulling a gun out on him. She held the gun to the back of his head all the way to his office. "Call Rock and tell him you killed them." She said throwing him his phone. "And don't try no funny shit."

Slug picked up the phone and dialed Rock's number , Katia made him put it on speaker so we could hear too. "Aye Rock , I got them two youngins for you." Slug said into the phone.

"You clean up yah mess ?" Rock asked him

"Yea I had my boys to take em out."

"Good cause I didn't want to get my hands dirty." Rock said before hanging up the phone. Once Rock was off the phone Katia shot slug in the head causing his dead body to fall out the chair onto the floor. She walked over to his safe and took all his shit and put it in a duffle bag. She walked through his house and shot every camera he had then took the tapes.

"Katia you wanna tell us exactly what the fuck is going on ?" I asked throwing both of the duffle bags in her car.

"Uhmm , Rock wanted y'all dead and I just saved both of your lives." She said walking up to us with her hands in her pockets.

"How did you know he was going to kill us ?" Jayden asked

"Because I made the phone call." She replied. "Listen I don't think here is the right time to talk about this. Meet me at Malibu tomorrow night in VIP. As for Rock you're both dead to him , stay out of his sight." She said before hopped in her car and drove off .

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