Chapter 8

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Emoni's POV

I had just gotten home from school and boy it's been a long day. I went Into the kitchen of the small apartment I shared with my stepfather and opened the fridge. "Nothing as usual." I said to

Myself and closed the door of the fridge. I sighed and took out a bag of chips and a apple Malik ( my boyfriend since 7th grade) had gave me today. I took out my math book and started to work on today's assignment. I was so damn tired of school , I just needed my diploma and I needed it quick. I was tired of living in this hell hole with my drunk ass step dad . It used to be just me and my mother , then she met this bum ass nigga . When they started dating he introduced her too a whole new life . Crack cocaine and heroin. She died 3 years ago when I first started high school , from drug overdose. I blamed my stepfather for it everyday.

I met Malik when we were only in the second grade. As the years went by we had gotten closer and he became my bestfriend. That is until we decided to take it to another level. I had told him everything except for the part where my stepdad beat me . I refused to tell anyone that , Malik especially . I never wished death on anyone and Malik being the thug he was , he would sure make that happen.

I had been hiding my scars from Malik for 3 years. Makeup does come in handy. The only person that could really see straight through me was Kadience , it was like she has eyes of a Goddess or something. I begged her not to say anything , of course she has no idea who the person was that putting these bruises on my skin and she would never know. It's been a week since we went to club Malibu . A week since Kadience saw those bruises on my skin and a week that I had begged her not to say anything. She hadn't said anything more to me about that situation since then , but every time she looked at me. I felt as if she was drilling a hole right through me . She was going to give me the same look until I told her what was really going on and I didn't want too .

I was almost done with my homework when I heard the keys on the other side of the door jiggling. I grabbed my stuff and ran into my room and closed the door. "Emoni !" I heard Carl my step father call for me. I rushed out of my room to see what he wanted.

"Yes sir ?" I said trembling . Great. He had just got off of work and was already drunk.

"Fix me a drink." He said falling down into his brown recliner.

I went into the kitchen and fixed him a glass of water. When I got ready to put some ice in it , I accidentally dropped 3 pieces of ice on the floor. I picked them up and put them in his cup anyways. We had rat poison under the kitchen cabinet , sometimes I often thought about putting it in his drink , just too see how fast he would die .

I walked over to his recliner and gave him the glass . He didn't even look at the cup he just started to drink it . When he realized it was water instead of beer that he wanted me to fix he got mad and threw the glass at my face so hard I fell and hit the floor . "You dumb ass slut !" He yelled at me before punching me in my face . I kicked him between his legs and ran Into my room . I went into my closet and grabbed one of my heels , when he came Into my room calling me all kind of names I stabbed him in the eye with the heel of my shoe , I grabbed my school stuff and ran . I didn't know where the hell I was running too , but somehow I ended up on the other side of town at Kadience's front door.

Kadience's POV

I had just put Kaden down for his nap and now on the phone talking to Jay. It was Friday and once again everyone was suppose to go to Malibu to start the kick off of the big game tomorrow. Jay and I had already got matching fits to go to the game and yes we was going be killing it. I had tried my outfit on at least 3 times and I looked fne as hell, you couldn't tell me nothing. "What time does the game start tomorrow ?" I asked Jay , that's when I heard someone banging on my front door.

"Bae don't answer that." Jay said . I laughed at him , he was always being dramatic . I'm sure the reason for them banging on my door was explanatory. Maybe they had rung the doorbell a few times and I didn't hear it.

"Bae I'm sure it's fine." I said laughing , that's when I heard the banging again. "Damn ! I'm coming ." I yelled .

"Kadience Armari Lowe if you open the damn door !" I heard Jay yell at me through the phone . That's when I opened it and there stood Emoni , hunched over gasping for air on my front door step. She was full of blood , busted lip , black eye , scratches all over her body . You could see hand prints around her wrist and on her neck. "Emoni !"I yelled , I had completely forgot that I was on the phone with Jay . I rushed to her side and helped her in the house.

"Kadience what's wrong ?" I heard Jay yell through the phone I didn't even answer him I just hung up .

"Moni baby what happen ?" I said frantically sitting her down on the toilet seat. I was scared for her life .

"Kadience I , i- " we heard the doorbell rang . I started to leave the bathroom to go answer the door , Emoni grabbed my hand . "Kadience please don't answer that." She begged me , she had a tight grip on my hand and tears fell constantly down her cheeks . "I ran , I ran for my life . He may have followed me here . Please Kadience , please don't answer it . What if he kills you then I have no one . You're my last option , Kadience please ." She begged me . I was now crying with her , scared for my life and hers . Trembling with her.

"Moni it's ok , everything is going to be ok." I said grabbing the knife I had hid in the bathroom under a towel. The doorbell rang once more . I left the bathroom and walked to the front door with the knife in my right hand. I said a quick prayer before I swung the door open to see that it was Jay , Jalin and Malik. All three of them standing there with their guns in their hands. "Fuck! You scared me ." I said dropping the knife and running into Jay's arms crying .

"Kadience what happen ?" Jay asked me looking at the blood on my hands . He had that same look in his eyes he had before he beat Rashad ass only this time his eyes were darker . Jalin and Malik just stood there in complete shock , they didn't know what was going on . I looked at Jay again and he had his jaws clenched tight , his grip on my wrist were tightening . "Kadience tell me what happened?" He said between his clenched teeth.

I started to explain everything to him . From the time we were on the phone until I hung up in his face . When I said Emoni showed up to my doorstep beat up Malik took off running Into my house trying to find her .

Malik's POV

When Kadience said Emoni showed up to her doorstep full of blood and beat the fuck up my heart dropped . I couldn't help but think the worst . I ran to go find my baby hoping that she was ok . I was ready to kill whoever the fuck did this shit to her . Why Emoni ? Why her ? Emoni never bothered anyone , she was quiet , sweet and smart . I was lucky enough to have her as a girlfriend , why would she wanna be with a thug like me . I wasn't shit , I moved a few bricks from

Time to time and I had a couple niggas on my back so I thought that they were the ones who did this to my baby . When you in the game niggas will kill , hurt anyone close to you just to get to you.

"Baby . Baby what happened ?" I said pulling her into my lap when I found her in the corner on the bathroom floor. She didn't even answer me she just threw her arms around my neck and hugged me tight . I held her tightly as she cried on my shoulder. Last time she cried in front of me she was telling me about her mom. I couldn't cry, Imma thug , thugs don't cry . We just take a deep breath and inhale all the bullshit and keep it moving .

I blamed myself for everything that happened to Emoni . I should have been there to protect her, I wanted revenge and I was going to get it .

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