Chapter 33

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Jalin's POV

Today is the day we hit up Rock's warehouse in LA. I'm not gone lie a nigga was nervous as hell. I was putting my life in jeopardy. I just pray that God be with me and my niggas.

I dropped Jazmine off at Jayden's house so she wouldn't be alone. When we got to his house I walked with her inside. Jayden was sitting on the sofa playing with Kaden and Kadience was sitting on the opposite chair working on some damn assignment as always. I wish these two would stop being damn bitches, fuck and get back together. When I look at Kadience and Jayden I see me and Jazmine all over again. They so in love and they don't even know it.

Kadience greeted me and Jazmine with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She got a look of confusion on her face when she saw Darnell. "Baby he's going to watch y'all until we get back." Jayden said hopping off the couch giving me and Darnell dap and Jazmine a hug.

"My name is Kadience." She said with an attitude. Jayden tried to kiss her lips but she turned her head to the side causing him to kiss her cheek instead.

"I love you." He said before disappearing through the door. She didn't even say it back, I know that shit had to hurt. I gave Darnell dap pulling him into me.

"Aye man, if I don't make it home tonight. Take care of my wife and kid." He nodded his head and made his way over to the sofa. I kissed Jazmine and her belly before leaving.

Kadience's POV

"Darnell you don't have to stay. We can take care of ourselves." I said.

"Nahh. Jayden asked me to keep an eye on y'all and that's what I'm doing." I rolled my eyes at the sound of Jayden's name. Jazmine was upstairs laying down with Kaden. She said her feet hurt and it was time for Kaden's nap. so it was just me and Darnell. "Why y'all females so stuck up?" Darnell asked flipping through the tv channels.

"Why y'all niggas always accusing bitches?" I replied still tapping away at my keyboard.

"You know you ain't tell him you loved him right?" He asked

"What?" I picked up my laptop and sat it beside me.

"He said he loved you before he left, you ain't say it back. I know that shit hurt." He took the blunt from behind his ear getting ready to lite it.

"You ain't smoking that shit in my house." I snapped. I was so pissed at Jayden I didn't even notice I didn't tell him I loved him. Anything could happen to him and I was being a complete bitch.

"You need to fix your attitude before you lose the best thing that ever happened to you. It ain't all Jayden's fault either." He replied sliding his blunt behind his ear.

"You don't even know what happened." I was an inch away from cussing him out.

"I was at the Trap when y'all got to fussing. All I'm saying is, both of y'all was wrong. Stop being a bitch and forgive the nigga. " He said getting up off the couch. "I'm going to smoke, I'll be back and this ain't yo crib." He said then disappeared through the front door.

I sat on the couch and thought about what he said. I pulled my phone out and texted Jayden.

I love you too .

Everyone knows I love Jayden and I wouldn't trade him for the world. I admit I over reacted about the whole situation but he did step out of line.

Jazmine's POV

I was stretched out on the bed when I felt someone shaking me awake. "What?" I groaned in a sleepy voice pushing them away.

"Baby it's me." Jalin said. I quickly jumped off the bed and pulled him into a tight hug. "It's ok." He said wiping my tears away. I was so scared the entire he was gone that something was going to happen to him. I could hardly get any sleep, I was that worried. I didn't even notice I was crying, i will be so happy when I have my son because I swear every minute I turn around tears are flowing down my Cheeks.

Kadience's POV

When I woke up I was in Jayden's bed laying beside Kaden. I looked at the clock and it was 2:01 in the morning. I saw the light from Jayden's phone. He was sitting on his futon in the far corner. "Why aren't you in bed?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"Because you're mad at me, I didn't think you would want to sleep in the same bed with me so I just slept here." He replied.

"Baby come to bed... Please." I watched him make his way from the chair to the bed. He slide in bed behind me and laid on his back. "Hold me please." I said looking down at him. He shifted his body and wrapped his arm around me and Kaden pulling us in closer to him. "Jayden I'm so sorry. I should have told you, I just knew if I did you wouldn't have let me go and I really needed to find out what was going on. I don't want to walk away from our relationship. We've built so much and we have a son to raise, baby I'm sorry. I promise to never do any shit like that again without talking to you first. Do you forgive me?"

"I'm sorry too I should have never came to you like that. Accusing you of doing shit and I damn sure shouldn't have stepped to you like that. When you said fuck our relationship you really hurt me and It ain't about what you walk away from it's about what you walk away with. I forgive you and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me." I smiled as he kissed my lips. Me and my 8/26 were back on track. "Wanna tell me how the will reading went?" He asked rubbing my shoulder.

"Well she left us a hella lot of money including Kaden but he can't touch it until he's 18. Come to find out Rock is her brother, Kaden's uncle but he doesn't know him. She also left a letter for me but I haven't read it yet."

"Why not?"

"I guess I'm just scared of what's inside." I shrugged.

"We can read it together tomorrow morning if you want." He suggested.

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