Chapter 20

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Katia's POV

Why would he bring Kadience here ? This wasn't the place for her, she didn't need to be here , not at this time anyway. I gave her a fake smile and sat across from them. Kadience said nothing at all she just sat and listened I guess Jayden had told her to be quiet. We were in one of the rooms in the very back of the of the V.I.P section. There wasn't to much light , just enough so we could see each other. "Why we had to meet here ?" Jayden asked

"Because this is the only place I thought of , we couldn't use the trap house because clearly you two are suppose to be dead-" I began

"What does she-" Kadience began to say but shut up when Jay looked at her.

"Why did Rock want us dead?" Jayden asked arching one of his eyebrows up.

"He said you both were to young to be in the game and he was pissed that Jalin killed Rashad."

"How we know you didn't bring us here to kill us ?" Jalin asked

"Really Jalin ? If I wanted to kill you I could have did it at Slug's house. Jazmine needs you and Kadience is my best friend she would never forgive me If I killed Jayden.... And besides you're going to help me take down Rock." I replied

"Have you lost your fucking mind Katia ?!" Jayden yelled "Do you not know what that man is capable of ? He will have us killed before we even step foot in any of his Trap houses , no. I'm not helping you."  

"It's more of us Jayden. We need you and Jalin to get in the trap houses... Rock isn't my real boss. I really work with someone else. A few years back him and Rock use to work together , Rock worked for him to be exact. Rock turned on him and got the big head that he wanted to leave and start his own thing. He tried to take over New York but my boss wasn't having it. They got into a big fight where both of them almost died. My boss put a hit out for Rock , everyone was looking for him. He got scared and ran to Cali obviously. My boss wants Rock head, all we have to do is hit up every trap house and leave him for my boss. Now you can either get rich with me or I can find other people, but I would rather do it with the two of you." I said looking at both of them. Kadience looked as if she knew exactly what I was talking about but she kept her mouth closed like Jayden told her too.

"I have a child on the way and only 2 more months of school." Jalin said with a dry voice staring at the wall. "I wanna meet my son Katia."

Before I could even reply my real boss walked in the room. "If you do it right, you won't have nothing to worry bout." He said standing In front of the door.

Kadience's POV

I knew that voice from anywhere. That was my uncle Scar talking. I had no idea Jayden worked for Rock. When Katia started telling them what happened with Rock and "her boss" I knew exactly what she was talking about. Tre called me and told me everything that happened. My uncle real name is Jayceon but after what happened he began to call himself Scar and everyone went along with it. Rock cut my uncle from his eye all the way down to the side of his mouth. That wasn't the only scar he had from Rock but that was the only one he allowed people to see. My uncle Scar shot Rock 5 times and unfortunately he survived. Like Katia said Rock had gotten the big head and tried to take over New York Scar wasn't having that so he put a hit out on Rock. Just before Rock left New York they got into this big altercation leaving my uncle full of scars.

"What are you doing here ?" Scar asked me , he gave me that same look Jayden gave me when he was mad only Scar's put way more fear in me.

"I Uhmm-" I began to say

"We will talk later." He said before taking his seat next to Katia.

The look on Jayden's face was unexplainable. It was a look of confusion , disbelief , anger and more. I knew he was probably thinking I was cheating on him with my own uncle cause he likes jumping to conclusions like that actually we both do.

"Like Katia told you , the plan is to hit up all of Rocks trap houses , take his shit then leave him for me to deal with. I got my crew I just need y'all to get in the houses." Scar explained looking at both Jayden and Jalin. "How ever much money we make in the end I'll get half and you and Jayden will split the other half. So I need to know if y'all gone do this or nahh ?" Scar asked them with a serious face.

"Why you want Rock ?" Jayden asked

"Cause he killed my wife and kids." Scar replied. My heart dropped when he said that. My little cousins Shamar and Desmond were both dead and nobody told me? Even my auntie Diamond . Why would Tre not tell me about this ? I knew my mother knew , and nobody told me anything. Tears began to fill in my eyes, the only person who saw them were Scar.

"I gotta think about it man I don't know." Jalin said

"You got until tomorrow night to let me know, when you do decided come by my crib Kadience knows where it's at." All eyes were suddenly on me. He took his gun out his pants and placed it on the table. "Y'all get out lemme talk to her." Scar said looking at me. Jayden hesitated before he left the room. On his way out he just looked at me and shook his head.

When the room was clear I took a really long deep breath. "Hey baby girl." My uncle Scar said looking at me.

"Hey uncle Scar." I said with a faint smile.

"You wanna tell me what the fuck you doing here ?" He asked leaning back in his chair.

"Well my boyfriend was coming to have a meeting and I kinda thought it was weird that he would have a meeting at a club." I said chuckling. "So I followed him here."

"You should really listen to your boyfriend. Shit could have gone wrong Kadience." He said almost yelling.

"I know.... Shamar and Malik ?" I asked looking at the ground.

"Their dead baby girl." He walked over to me and gave me a big hug as I cried into his chest. After I was done crying he opened the door and we walked out together and sure enough Jayden was standing there with Jalin and Katia waiting for me. Jayden looked pissed off like he was ready to kill Scar. Clearly he had the wrong idea. Scar walked over to Jayden, gave him dap and pulled him into him. He was saying something to Jayden I'm not sure what it was. After they were done talking my uncle gave me one more hug before leaving the club with Katia.

When Jayden , Jalin and I were on our way out the club bullets started flying across the room. Jayden grabbed my hand and we ran out the back door with Jalin behind us.

When we finally made it outside , we got in the car and sped off. That's when I remembered Emoni came to the club with me.

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