chapter 8 (special surprise part 1)

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Will said he had a surprise for me but I don't know what it is. We are already going to the beach on my accord so I don't know why he would have a surprise for me at my surprise. "Will are you ready to go?!?!?!"" Yeah, come on let's goooo!"" Alright come on." We get into my truck and leave to go to the beach. I think will, will know where we are going in 3 2 1,"" Shelby we are going to the beach." There it went." Yep here we are the beach. Are you excited or what?"" YEAH I'M EXCITED!"
I am only excited because we have only been dating for a few months and I think I am ready to...(a/n sorry guys I am not telling you what the surprise is until the part comes.)...and i know she will be so happy. I think the sunset will be an amazing time to do what I have planned." Will, are you ok you kinda zoned out there."" Yeah I'm fine just super excited.""Ok well are you ready to go then because we are here."" Yep, last one to the water is a rotten egg."" Ok bye." Off she went shelby was gone she didn't wait at all just gon...oh is should probably start running. I ran as fast as I could and caught up with her. She was so surprised."Will how did you catch up to me so fast."" I don't know just a fast runner I guess." By that time we both got to the water at the same time so we decided none of us were rotten eggs. We started to splash each other when all the sudden..."Hey what's your name pretty boy."" Will, are you fans or something?" I really didn't want to talk to these people." Yeah we are fans, fans of your looks. Why don't we have some fun your sister can watch herself can't she."" Actually she my girl friend so why don't you guys just leave."" Ugh fine will leave but first." She gave me her number and started to mouth the words call me when I realized shelby wasn't there." Shelby where did you go." I ran up and down the beach. Then I went to check her truck, when I got there she was crying. Poor shelby she must have thought I was going to call her. I knocked on the window so she could unlock the car and thankfully she did."Hey shelby what's wrong?"" Were you g-g-going to c-al-l h-her?" She said through tears. It rested her head on my shoulder and said, " Shelby I would never do that to you. I told her to leave and threw the paper int he beach water. There was no way I would call that skank ever over you." I meant every word I said, though I wasn't surprised when she thought that." You promise."" I promise. Now let's go have some fun."" Ok let's go!"

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