#We're 'not' dating

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Jaehee looked at Zen who was currently talking to MC at the locker area. "Hey you!" A girl shouted and walked over to Jaehee. Two boys surrounded Jaehee and was cracking their knuckle, ready to drag Jaehee away ."What do you want?" Jaehee asked and girl laughed."What's your motive? Moving closer to MC?" MC was pretty well known as the most popular boys in school usually hang out with her. Zen noticed and shouted at the boys but they still held onto Jaehee firmly. "Jaehee! Kick!" MC shouted and Jaehee did her signature Judo move despite not learning it. Zen took over and dealed with the boys while MC went to help Jaehee. Zen muttered a few curses and checked Jaehee's arm for bruises. " Those girls..." Zen said and MC bit her lip. "The bruise around your wrist looks kind of bad...How about you come over to my room so I can help with the bruise?" Jaehee nodded. Zen and MC brought Jaehee to MC's dorm, meeting Jumin. "MC?! What happened to her?" Jumin asked as he made his way to them. "Holy shit, you look like the guy from my dream!" Jaehee said and Jumin raised an eyebrow. "That's not a dream you're just experience your past l-" MC shut Jumin up by placing a finger on her lip. Zen and Jumin understood the situation but Zen started an argument again..."Before you run that mouth of yours please get your facts straight, trust fund." Zen said and Jumin took a deep breath. "Look I thought she knew already." Jumin said. MC whisked Jaehee into the lift and they talked until reaching MC's room. She took out a cloth wrapping it with ice to place on the bruise. Jaehee flinched at the pain and MC sat beside Jaehee on the couch. "Wow, your room is so messy..." Jaehee said and MC gave a nervous laugh. "That's because of my roommate Rika(don't kill me)...She usually comes in drunk due to her recent breakup with V but I don't blame her." Jaehee mouthed a ‘woah’ and stood up making her way to MC's desk. "What's this book?" Jaehee asked picking up a rough notebook and MC dash towards the book. "Its just a few notes and reminders that's all. Nothing much." Inside the notebook was details of what MC recalls from the past.

"Jaehee what are you writing?" MC asked and Jaehee looked up. "I'm updating my diary and planning our progress in the café." MC looked at the interior design that Jaehee had planned and honestly it was amazing. MC pulled out a bunny hat and place it on the counter, "I found a hat that I want you to try." Jaehee looked at MC with curiosity, "that's random." MC giggled a little and placed it on her head. MC face flushed red as she stared at how Jaehee looks so cute in it. "Wow, you look adorable!" MC squealed.
Jaehee fiddled with the two ears while MC took her phone out to take a picture of her. Jaehee saw the picture and smiled, the two then switched roles. MC wore the hat while Jaehee took the picture. It was the final moment they had with each other before things changed...

"God, you're like a brown bunny." MC said and Jaehee blushed. "Now, girl talk. Who do you like in our school?" MC asked and Jaehee paused. She wanted to say MC but she stuttered out Zen because she didn't want to freak MC out. MC for a second wanted to murder Zen's ass but approach Jaehee. Giving her a kiss on the lips just as Zen, Jumin, Seven, Yoosung and V comes in witnessing the girls kiss.

Jaehee blushed and pulled away while MC smirked, "I don't think Zen has a chance to give you your first kiss anymore.". Jaehee smacked MC softly and Zen place a hand on his chest. "I ship it!!!!" Seven shouted and Jaehee could swear she wanted to kill seven. "Are you guys dating?" V asked and Jaehee shook her head. "We're just friends(Jaehee the master of friend zone) and we're not dating."

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