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I woke the next morning pleasantly warm and surrounded by the soft lush scent of moss and berries. Last night, Victor had taken me to his room where instead of handcuffing me to his bed frame, he offered me a white t shirt of his and a pair of sweatpants that I had to roll up five times in order to see my feet. He proceeded to show me to the bathroom where I was allowed to brush my teeth using a dark green toothbrush before he escorted me back to his bedroom. He locked up his desk, leaving the surface completely clear of anything before scouring the room for anything sharp that I could potentially use as a weapon. After he deemed it safe enough, he moved to the door and paused before shutting it behind him.

"Thank you for helping Luke." He said, the honesty ringing through his voice enough to make me not mock him. They might be nuts, but they genuinely cared for one another and my actions had shifted their view of me. At least a little, I hoped.

"Anytime." I responded and he smiled gently at me, his eyes burning like a campfire.

"Sleep well, Princess." He offered before closing and locking the door behind him.

My returned 'goodnight' was too late and I was sure he hadn't heard as I fluffed the pillow and lay down. I could potentially snoop through his room, but I was sure he had "Princess-proofed" it quite thoroughly, and I was exhausted. I fell to sleep surprisingly quickly and thankfully I didn't dream.

The sun was pouring through the window right into my face and I groaned, turning over to escape the bright glaring light only to freeze my movements as I found my face centimeters from another. Victor breathed evenly beside me, his face soft and almost boyish in sleep and I found myself unable to look away as I took in his angular face. He really was attractive and as he continued to breath deeply, I allowed myself to relax beside him.

How he had come in last night and joined me in bed without waking me was a complete mystery. I was a very light sleeper, but apparently he was ninja quiet. They must all possess ninja skills or something, and I was sure that came in handy when they delivered vigilante justice. I chuckled inwardly as I imagined their reactions if I ever accused them of being secret good guys. I bet North would have a heart attack.

The blanket was bunched around Victor's legs as he lay on his side facing me and I tilted my head in interest as I inspected the strip of skin revealed from his shirt riding up. His stomach was muscled but it was smooth and subtle, more of hinting at abs then showcasing them obviously like Silas, and I swallowed thickly and fisted my hands to stop my fingers from reaching out to trail my finger over the light happy trail that dusted the skin below his navel. He wore a white shirt like the one I currently wore and a pair of gray and white striped flannel pajama pants. The band of the pants sat low on his narrow hips and once again he had the hint of an Adonis belt, not overly obvious but definitely visible. How was it possible for all of them to be hot? Wasn't that against the laws of nature or something?

I lifted my eyes from the morning erection that bulged the front of his pants and startled as I met burning brown eyes. His breathing hadn't changed at all and I'd been too distracted by his attractive body to notice that he'd woken.

"See something you like, Princess?" He asked me, his voice rough and husky from sleep and I straightened my spine to keep from shivering at the delicious sound. I shrugged in response to his question and a sly grin played at the corners of his mouth as he lifted a disbelieving eyebrow. "You sure?"

Giving him an apathetic stare, I rolled onto my back and stretched my limbs, my joints popping pleasantly as the blanket fell from my torso revealing the twisted overly large t shirt that sat in disarray on my body. I arched my back as air tickled over my exposed stomach and I heard Victor's sharp inhale as he noticed my bare belly. Melting back into the bed, I glanced his way to find his eyes a roaring inferno as they glared at me hungrily and I sent him a coy smile.

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