One Girl, One Big World; Full Of Surprises and Monsters

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(Hi this is my first story so sorry if it sucks and it's terrible but here you go!

(Y/N) means your name

(Y/A) your age

(f/c) means favorite color

(N/N) means nick name

There are others but like I said this is my first.)

(No One's POV)

              "Here Kitty Kitty..." the bat creaked as it was dragged across the concrete floor.

        20 minutes earlier; (Y/N) was walking home sweating a little in her (f/c) hoodie, she clutched the polar bear claw around her neck and sighed. She walked forward, home was close just a few more blocks...

                Life wasn't that easy, school was full of bullies and neglectful teachers, and home was just as bad, if not worse.

"Hey! Get off me! Let go!" (Y/N) heard a little boy's voice whimper. It almost sounded like-

                 She whipped around with hope, but the little spark died, it was just an armless monster. Right... monsters had made it to the surface around a year ago. Their rights were the same as everyone, but they had to have permits to use their magic. It had been a shock at first but most people just ignored them.

                  The was backed into the wall of an alley surrounded by three men with metal bats and sticks. Her body reacted before she could stop it, she ran to the boy, ignoring her mind's protests. She grabbed the kid by the neck of his striped shirt and took off. You pulled him with you, you could hear the shouts of surprise from his tormentors. (Y/N) kept her eyes forward, staying silent. The kid was now running on his own and (not being dragged off by a stranger that just happened to be a (y/a) year old girl on her way home).

                 The kid was quiet as they ran, maybe he was just surprised. The girl didn't care at the moment though, she was looking for a place to hide since the people who were cornering him were at their heels.

                  Bingo! She quickly swung into a trash filled alley and swiftly hid him behind a garbage can. "Don't come out till' I tell you okay, and stay quiet." She whispered gently.

                He stayed silent, in shock. Why would a human help him? Most were racist and treated him like trash, or just looked right through him. The monster was used to this. Did she want something in return? Or was she like Frisk?

                 (Y/N) could hear the sounds of the group splitting up, one of them starting walking down the alley... "Here Kitty Kitty..." He had a bat in his hand, the tip of it touching the concrete floor, creating a sound that made her shake.

                   (Y/N) couldn't let him know that she still had the kid with her, something about him made her want protect him. Maybe it was because he sounded so much like her brother.She shook her head, pushing away those thoughts. She had someone she needed to protect. (Y/N) came out from the trash can.

                  "There you are kitty," the man looked to be in his teens, the smell of alcohol coming off him in waves. (Y/N) cringed in disgust, he was drunk. That made sense, racism was usually avoided due to penalties from police.

                (Y/N) looked up feeling anger bubble up in her chest.  "Don't call me that." she hissed, glaring up at him. She hated men like him. Hated them. They acted like they were more important and treated others like dirt, it made (Y/N) sick.

                 "Come again Kitty? I couldn't hear you, speak up." a creepy grin adorned the man's face as he took a leisurely step forward. (Y/N) took a step back, feeling her heart beating wildly like a bird in a cage with a cat outside. She felt her bravery leaving her and fear setting in.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

                     What were you doing?! You don't have a weapon! He's twice your size! My mind screamed. I stood my ground, trying to block out my pessimistic thoughts.

                  A jumped when I heard a glass rolling across the floor, whipping my head around I saw the monster peaking out from behind the trashcan. 

                    A felt my face pale as I looked back, "Looks like you didn't ditch the runt after all. Pathetic." he slurred,  taking another step forward.

                  "Move and I won't hurt you too bad." A sadistic grin adorned the man's face as he raised his bat.

                    "No! I-It's wrong to hurt someone because of looks!" I shook my head, a felt frozen in place and it felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest.

                 "What are you going to do? Say pretty please?" He started laughing and keeling over, acting like this was the funniest thing had ever heard. I felt my heart sink, this guy was crazy.... He was going to kill me... I gritted my teeth, no! That monster was here too. I had to keep him safe- it was the right thing to do.

                "Leave us alone! I-I'm warning you! You're gonna go to jail for this!" I spread my arms,trying to block him.

 His grip on the bat tightened, "You don't know when to quite." 

             He sounded enraged, and he put the bat in both hands, raising it as if a final warning. He slammed it downwards, hitting my left shoulder with a crack, bringing me to my knees. I wanted to cry, run, scream, but I gritted my teeth, standing back up. The man growled, swinging the bat again and hit me below the ribs, slamming into my hip. I yelped, choking back tears as I once again fell to my knees. I wanted to give in to the pain, give up. 

          But I couldn't, I just couldn't. I moved to get up but he swung the bat again, slamming into it my back. I cried out, the air being taken from my lungs as I hit the ground. He threw the bat to the ground, and for a brief moment I thought he was going to leave. Until I felt hifoot on the side of my head. He's going to kill me...

             "RUN! RUN KID!" I screamed, thrashing as I tried to get out of his grip. He grabbed me by the hair and slammed my face into the ground, I felt my nose crack and warm liquid pour down my face. Blood. There was blood everywhere. 

           He sat on top of me, I couldn't breathe. Then I felt a sharp pain on my arm, I screamed. "You like my knife?" he growled in my ear, grabbing my throat and choking off my screams.

I felt lightheaded, why did everything hurt so much, I could feel a searing pain on my neck and I wailed, letting my body go limp in his hold. 

              My vision blurred as I felt the man's weight shift off my back, I sputtered and gasped, strugghling to breath.  "What are you looking at fre-" I heard a shout as a red auro suround him, slamming him into the wall. I felt my vision blur, I must have lost a lot of blood... Everything hurts... I just want to go to sleep...

(No One's P.O.V)

(Y/N) lost consciousness, unaware of the two skeletons hovering over her.

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