There Are More Of You?!

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(Y/N's POV)

                I was on Error. OH GOD!!! WILL HE THINK I'M A PERV?! I quickly got off him and apologized repeatedly. "I-I'm so s-sorry Error! Pl-Please don't th-think I'm a perv!!!" I could feel my cheeks heat up, oh no!

                "I-I'm j-just gonna g-give y-you space." I stuttered before grabbing a blanket and pillow and running for what seemed the endless void. As soon as I had space between me and Error I realized just how exhausted I was. I quickly put down the pillow and blanket, I pulled half of it over me and kept the other part on the floor as a mattress. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep...

(Error's POV)

                        Y/N was on the opposite side of the void, I was just glad that she left before I started blushing. Then Nightmare came through a portal. "Hi Error, you had a strange wave of energy so I came over."

            "I-I doN't nEed yOur heLp Nightmare." I mumbled, the blue was still tinted on my cheeks. "Oh, and also Ink is after you, heard you took a girl from Underfell." he added.

                  "O-oH tHaT glitch?" I asked like it didn't matter, but my soul felt like it was panicking.What Nightmare going to do to her?!

                   "Well I think I'll just stay here when you have to deal with the Star Sanses." he shrugged, plopping down next to me. I was pissed that he was getting goo all over MY void. I just rolled my eyes, and sat down next to him.

              "Error!" A familiar annoying voice shouted,"SpEAk oF ThE DeVIL." I muttered.

(Y/N's POV)

               I was awaken by a shout, "Error!", who ever it was sounded furious. I wanted more sleep but I was already awake, so why not?

               I put the blanket over my body like a cloak, just showing my face. I had it over my head too, I started walking towards the voice curiosity getting the better of me.

(Error's POV)

            Could this day get any weirder?! Or was it night? Gah! Whatever I have to deal with Ink now and that's really annoying. I just sighed annoyed, I turned around and felt a tiny twinge of anger. I just wanted to spend time with Y/N! Wait I DO?! Ugh, this feeling is so weird. I'll have to deal with it later.

          I stared at Ink and saw him flinch, good, he knew this wasn't gonna be easy. It might not even be fair, I was enough on my own but with Nightmare? Ha! They had no chance. I grinned, Dream looked uncomfortable at my stare. Blueberry was the only one who was oblivious. He was too innocent for this.

             "sO YoU wAnT mY puPpeT?" I asked, "WeLl I sUgGeSt YoU doN't mOve tHen!" I shot out my strings and snatched Y/N and held her above us.

             "Error..?" she didn't even look fazed, she tilted her head adorably and yawned. I could feel my soul twinge in guilt.

                 "What's going on?" she asked softly. "Your not scared?!" Ink asked, looking as shocked as I felt.

                "Why w-would I? She questioned, "He's g-great, h-he isn't that s-scary, he's just interesting, di-different." I thought my soul was about to burst. Ink looked like he was seeing things.

              "He kidnapped you!" He shouted. "I-I didn't mind. He w-was fun to be around."She answered, "I-I don't have anything there anyway." 

                   Everyone was shocked, her soul had flickered grey and that's when we all saw it; a large crack in her soul. We all knew having a cracked soul meant something horrible was happening to her and the color was her soul traite. It was grey, darker than loneliness and depression but lighter than hate. It made me angry, some people were gonna get beat up.

                Everyone lost their eye sockets except for Blueberry and Nightmare, we were all horrified. Why would anyone hurt her?! She was kind, patient,brave, and had integrity! Nothing about her was hurtful! I could feel myself getting very angry. I was about to ask who hurt when Ink interrupted my thoughts.

            "He has tried to destroy AUs!" He muttered. "What are AUs?" she asked confused, she obviously had no clue why we were so surprised.

              "AUS ARE ALTERNATE UNIVERSES THAT WE PROTECT!" Blueberry announced. "Th-there are more of you?! Th-that's a-amazing!" she said.

She then looked at me, "Can I go, p-please?" she begged. "fiNe buT YoUr'e sTill mY puPpeT." I growled.

           "Thanks Error!" she giggled, "C-can you p-put me down now? she was giving me a small smile. And I mean who can resist that face?! I was about to drop her when I realized that could hurt her.

               "ReMemBer tO DrOp in." I said as releasing my strings from her and dropping her into my arms. At this she giggled. "I-I will!" She hugged my neck and hopped out of my arms, it was cold without her. "If a-anything happens in Unernovella you c-can come get me!" She waved as she trotted over to them.

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