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(Th-There will b-be triggers i-in this chapter.)

Ink's POV

I felt very conflicted, what do I do? She has magic, but she has no signs of being a monster, except for size, there was nothing explaining her magic. And why did she put herself lower than dirt?! She had called herself an ungrateful bitch, like it was fact! The next words out of her mouth, they horrified me. "I am. It's my fault they're dead."

It sounded like she was reciting from memory. I was in utter shock, I didn't know what to say. "I am worthless." she whispered. My eye lights disappeared, what was she saying?!

I did the first thing that came to my mind, I hugged her. "You are not worthless.".I whispered.

She seemed startled and then grabbed onto my scarf sobbing uncontrollably. "D-Don't leave me l-like they did, please!" she screamed.

I was startled by her words, "Shhh, it's ok, me, Blueberry, Fell, Classic, Dream, we all care about you. We will never leave you."

I gently rubbed circles on her back to calm her. It seemed to work and her sobs were now just silent racks of her body. She was sniffling and didn't move, I was still hugging her. Whatever she was going through, I would help her.

Dream's POV

I was startled when I suddenly heard a heart-stopping scream. Y/n! I ran as fast as I could towards the noise, Blueberry right at my heals. We saw Y/N crying and Ink hugging her, I emediatly ran to them. "What's wrong?!"

Y/N jumped and looked at me with tear stained cheeks, Ink gave her a worried glance and mouthed 'I don't know' I knew she was upset, the negative feelings coming off of her practically drowned me. She was definitely hurting.

Fresh and Classic ran around the corner to us, Sans with a terrified look and Fresh with one of pure anger on his face."Who's getting a rad time?!" Fresh yelled.

Sans' eye and this point was a glowing blue flame. "Y/N why are you crying?" I was surprised to hear Blueberry to so soft and gentle.

"I-It's nothing." She turned away not willing to look us in the eye.

"We'll give you time to get better, but when you feel safe please tell us." I said Ink nodded. "We really care about you." I added.

She she looked up shocked, "B-But I-" "No buts brotina chip." Fresh interrupted.

She nodded her head and looked down at her shoes. "I r-really am w-weak." she muttered. I glanced towards Classic, he and I made eye contact and silently agreed. I really hope this works.

Classic's POV

I knew this was risky but it was worth a shot, "Hey... Y/N?" She looked up at me with misty eyes, she took a shaky breathe and nodded.

"Would you like to spend the night with Paps and I at our house?" she really seemed to enjoy spending time with him, I waited for her response.

"O-Ok, but c-can you g-guys stay w-with me?" she glanced at everyone with a desperate look. I felt a small twinge in my gut, I couldn't it understand so I ignored it.

Blueberry tackle hugged her, "I the Magnificent Sans will have a sleepover with you!" she smiled.

I-I've never b-been to a s-sleepover!" she looked super excited and ready. Well at least our plan worked, we got her mind off of those negative thoughts. Ink nodded and Dream smiled, I turned to Fresh expectantly.

"I'll hang with ya." Fresh chuckled. "Knock Knock!" I grinned, this would be good "Who's there?" Ink replied. "Olive." Y/N had a small smile on her face looked adorbs. "Olive who?" Ink looked very quizzically at her. "Olive y-you guys!" Ink just sat there for a sec and then it clicked.

Ink's face was a rainbow blush color and he just stood there staring at her. "I think ya broke em." I laughed.

Fresh blushed and snickered while Y/N kept waving her hands in front of him. "O-ooops." Y/N then sighed and balled up her hand.

When she opened it there was a little ball of (F/c) mist. She put it on Ink and he emmediatly jumped. "Ouch!" Ink then proceeded to fall on his non existent butt.

"S-Sorry Ink." Y/N put her hand on the back of her neck and looked down. "It's fine, what was that?" Ink seemed as curious as I felt.

A Little Love (AU Sanses x Shy! Abused! Powerful! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now