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*beware, self harm and triggers*

Classic's POV

"S-Sorry Ink." Y/N put her hand on the back of her neck and looked down. "It's fine, what was that?" Ink seemed as curious as I felt.

"I-I don't really kn-know." she stuttered. "I-I have j-just always h-had them I-I think." she looked desperate for answers.

"Welp, let's go home." I said. Ink created another portal and we were in my living room. "I r-really like your p-paintbrush Ink." Y/N smiled.

Heh, thanks." Ink grinned. Y/N had a thoughtful look on her face and kind of spaced out. "Kiddo?" I asked 'what's she thinking about?' she didn't answer.

Blueberry made her jump, "I will make tacos!" he ran into the kitchen doing his famous laugh. And just like that it was a very awkward silence.

"D-Do you h-have any m-more whoopie c-cushions Sans?" I looked at Y/N with a mix of surprise and amusement.

"Yeah?" she smirked naughtily, "I h-have a p-plan." I grinned at this, 'what is she up to?'


Time skip brought to you by evil pranks

It was ready, I knew Papyrus would be upset but it would be worth it. I couldn't wait to do this. "Ready Y/N?" she nodded and giggled.

Papyrus would come through the door any second. I was standing in front of the door. Y/N was giggling like crazy and peeking from the side of the couch. She was looking from me to the door, waiting for Papyrus. "Ready Classic?!" Y/N whispered a small smile plastered to her face.

"Darn tootin'." Y/N giggled at my pun and then gasped. "I need to get Ink and F-Fresh!" she dashed out of the room, giggling the whole time.

She came back with the two of them and told them to hide behind the couch, they listened and poked their heads out expectantly. I could hear Papyrus walking up to the porch, he slammed open the door, "SANS I AM H-" "Now Sans!" Y/N shouted.

I ran at my bro and jumped at him, putting him in a tackle hug. Knocking him over, he fell onto the floor. The whooping cushions in my jacket went off and Papyrus' look of shock turned or displeasure and embaressment. His cheecks were suddenly dusted orange and he screamed, making Y/N jump in the process. "SANS I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!" he pushed me off him and jumped up, stomping into the kitchen.

"Pfffft, sorry Papyrus."' Y/N was rolling on the floor laughing so hard she was crying.

Ink and Fresh were also laughing and I joined them "Y/N you are a genius!" Ink chocked out between laughs.

She blushed and smiled her giggle fit subsiding."I would never had thought to put whooping cushions in my jacket." I chuckled.

Y/N smiled but then frowned, "Will Papyrus b-be mad?" she asked, her tone worried. "He'll be fine, he probably wanted to laugh too." I reassured her.

"Ok." she smiled and walked into the kitchen. 'She definetly has a funny bone' I chuckled at my punny thought. 'I hope she'll open up to us' my smile faltered at that, 'What has she been through?'

No One's POV

You had decided to appolagize to Papyrus, you walked up to him and pulled on his scarf sense you couldn't reach his shoulder to tap it. "Papyrus?" Papyrus turned to you and smiled.

"HELLO TINY Y/N! DID YOU NEED SOMETHING FROM THE GREAT PAPYRUS?!" you giggled at his way of talking but then looked down at the white tiled floor. You felt bad for making him upset.

"I-I am s-sorry for p-pranking you." Papyrus looked annoyed for a second but then it softened into a gentle look.

"It's fine Y/N." you were caught off gaurd by his quiet tone and forgiveness. Your eyes misted up a little bit, but you blinked back the tears. "Thank you, Papyrus." he smiled and patted your head.

"You are welcome Y/N!" he then walked to the stairs. 'Papyrus, be careful, stairs are always up to something.' Your mind snickering at your pun. He went up the stairs and out of sight. Blueberry was cooking tacos so you decided to go help him.

"Can I h-help Blue?" you asked, "THE MAGNIFICENT SANS WOULD LOVE TO MAKE TACOS WITH YOU!" Blueberry smiled and his starry eyes got just a little bit bigger at the thought of you doing something with just him.

You two were finished making tacos, (after you hiding all the glitter, confetti, and glue from Blueberry). You placed out plates and napkins while Blue got the tacos. Dinner was good, and you felt bloated because you were used to one meal every few days. It felt good to have a full stomach. You had to use the restroom and locked the door behind you.


I was washing my hands and face when I heard a small thump. I turned around and saw my pocket knife. 'It must have slipped out of my pocket.' I reached down and grabbed it by the handle. It was smooth against my skin and I held it at eye level. I just stared at it for a few seconds. I fought the urge, but the temptation was too strong. I stood up and put my left arm on the counter. I pulled up the sleeve of my hoodie and started cutting. "This is for being useless," I let the knife slide down my arm, sighing at the pain.

"This is for being alive," I went the opposite direction and turned the cut into a cross.

"This is for not saving your family." my voice broke and I gritted my teeth.

I slid down the shoulder of my hoodie and slid the sharp, cold, metal, blade down my neck. I put down the knife and stared in the mirror in horror. The skin where I had cut around was pink and agitated. It hurt to turn my neck and arm. "I-I..."

I collapsed and fell to the floor shaking. 'What am I doing?!' 'Why is this happening to me?!' 'Do I deserve this?!' I sat there for a few minutes, my eyes wide with terror and shock. I finally stood up and washed my arms, I used toilet paper to stop the bleeding. 'I need to clean this up.' I crept down the hallway and grabbed my bag of groceries and made a break for the bathroom. I quickly and quietly shut the door behind me and took out a pack of tan bandages. After patching myself up I pulled up the hoodie around my neck so my neck was covered. I walked out lifelessly and stalked into the living room.

Blueberry, Dream, and Ink were drawing while Classic and Fresh were having a small pun war. I slowly walked towards the couch and propped my head on my hands.

"D-Do you guys w-want to watch a-a movie?" I asked, I must have been quiet because they all jumped when I spoke. As if they hadn't heard me.

"Sure." Ink smiled warmly, my gut twinged guiltily. 'I'm sorry you guys, I know you would never look at me the same if you knew the truth.' "What do you have in mind?" Dream questioned.

"M-Maybe Pacific Rim? It's o-one of my favorite m-movies!" I answered eagerly.

We all sat down and prepared for the movie. I sat on the floor and was accompanied by all of them. I didn't know why though because the couch was right there, but I didn't think of it that much. I smiled as the movie started.

(I know I've been gone a while, sorry, moving and highschool doesn't mix)

A Little Love (AU Sanses x Shy! Abused! Powerful! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now