A Fresh Face

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(The pun w-was intended.)


(Ink's POV)

                  I feel so confused, Error let a human go. WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?! What did this girl do to Error?! I'll ask later, she was pretty cute...Error might just be faking. I was just about to leave when I heard a familiar voice, crap. "Yo yo! Waz up my radical broskies?!"

         Y/N looked like she jumped three feet in the air. "Do I detect sinful feelies?" Double crap.

I put on a strait face,"Hi Fresh, what's going on?" I swear he gave me a look. I felt a tug on my sleeve, the girl was behind me. She looked afraid of him. OUT OF ALL THE SANSES TO BE AFRAID OF?! What?!

          "What D-does he m-mean by si-sin?" She asked.

            "You didn't tell me about a rad dudette!" Oh god he's walking towards us. This might not end well. She was now hiding behind me and shaking uncontrollably. I was mad, I was REALLY mad. "What do you want Fresh?" I asked.

              "To meat da bomb dudette, she's pretty swag ever since mah bro Fell looked through every AU around to find her." "Oh, well okay." I couldn't keep a tint of annoyance out of my tone. Y/N just waved shyly.

                    "Yo?" She questioned, oh god she is adorable! I could swear Fresh's glasses said 'cute' but I shook away the thought.

                "C-can we eat, I-I haven't eaten in f-four days, I usually go t-two." She whispered, SHE ONLY EATS ONCE EVERY TWO DAYS?! 

          I was wondering about it when Fresh interupted my thoughts,"That's uncool broskie, who be doin those unfresh things to ya?" There was actual worry in his voice. "I-I don't want to talk about i-it." She answered before looking away from him.

(Y/N's POV)

                   Why did I have to say that?! Now they know I rarely eat, oh no. This new skeleton gave me this feeling not to trust him. It might be because my instincts had kicked, the instincts that kept me from getting hurt. Ever since in ever since the Star Sanses showed up.

                  "S-so can we e-eat?" I repeated. Ink nodded, "Let's go to Original's Grillby's." "Is that fancy? Because you guys d-don't have t-to spend m-money on me." I said looking down sheepishly.

(Ink's POV)

               What has this girl been through?! I shook my head, "It's fast food." She looked excited, like a little kid going to the park.

                   "Y-yay!" She jumped kicking up her legs energetically. So cute~ No! Bad Ink! I shook away my thoughts and painted a portal to the above-ground Grillby's. She looked around in awe, her eyes were drinking everything in. We walked in and sat at a table. But Y/N just stood there, like she was waiting for something.

              "YOU CAN SIT HUMAN!" Blueberry announced. She nodded and took her seat. She asked my permission to sit next me. She was acting like a trained animal! I was so angry, but then I saw Original and waved. He gave me a lazy grin and sat down on the other side of her.

                    He held out his hand for her to shake. She scooted towards me and glanced at me. Silently asking if she should shake his hand. I gave her a smile and nodded. She returned my nod and shook his hand. The fart noise made me hold back laughter, and tears when I saw the death stare Blueberry was giving him. I looked at her, what would she think of the prank? She just sat there for a minute processing what happened.

                 Then a smile snaked across her face, "The old w-whoopie cushion i-in the hand t-trick?" She asked. "No one's ever beat me to naming that prank!" He looked absolutely stunned.

                  "Omg, Ink where did ya find this kid?!" He asked with the biggest grin I have ever seen in his face. "Errortale?" I answered nervously.

                         "Wait, this is the girl Error kidnapped?!" I nodded feeling the beads of sweat crawling down my skull. "Huh, Hey Papyrus will ya come here for a sec?" He called.

                    "YES BROTHER?" He asked, "This is the human that Error kidnapped." "SANS OH MY GOSH! SHE ESCAPED?! SHE MUST BE A MASTER AT PUZZLES!" Papyrus looked super excited. I gave a nervous smile.

                  "HUMAN DO YOU THINK I'M COOL?!" He shouted, she sat there for a second and thought. "I d-don't think you're c-cool.." Papyrus looked heartbroken. I glanced at Sans sweat crawling down my skull, his eye lights were gone.

                  "I-I think y-you're SUPER COOL!" She looked around as of asking us to back her up. We all nodded on unison. Papyrus looked like he was going to explode of happiness. Sans blinked and his pupils returned, he looked impressed, I knew I was. Most of the time people would just say yes or no. Papyrus then grabbed her by the wrist she made a small squeak in surprise. He then swung her through the air and into a hug. She hugged him back and giggled. AND FOR THE SECOND TIME I SWEAR FRESH'S GLASSES SAID CUTE. I smiled, he then gently put her down. "WHAT IS YOUR NAME HUMAN?" That's when I realized that we didn't know her name! How did we miss that?!

                  We all looked at her curiously, she smiled, "Y-Y/N, but w-when I h-had friends th-they would call me N/N." She still stuttered, It's so adorbs! Wait, HAD friends?! I have to many questions aah!

                That's when Grillby came out and gave us our food. Y/N looked like she was going to burst of excitement. Sans tapped her shoulder, she jumped and turned around. "You want any Ketchup on that?" He asked.

              "Mhm." She gently took the Ketchup from him and started to put it on the side when the cap came off. She just shrugged and put the cap back on right. She started dipping her burger in ketchup, she took a bite out of it. Her eyes seemed to brighten and she ate the rest surprisingly fast. She looked content.

                "Aren't ya gonna eat your fries?" Sans asked. She looked shocked, "F-for me?!" she squealed, she acted like she was getting the best present ever. "Yes?" he raised a bone brow, "Th-thanks!" she made quick work of it. "W-where should w-we go next?" she looked around excitement evident in her voice. "Well.." I trailed off, where should we go? 

A Little Love (AU Sanses x Shy! Abused! Powerful! Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt