Summer time getaway

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Its 2 pm on a Friday afternoon the bell rings , everyone runs free leaving school work behind to finally enjoy the summer break for the next three months. My Sister and I hope in my car setting off to my home to get packed up for our trip. A gift from my late grandma for taking care of her all year while I  was in school.  My mom being so busy working two jobs in the past,   finally could back to just one again since she married my stepfather Craig.  My biological dad bounced on us due to he couldn't stay faithful to my mom even after 20 years of marriage and three kids. My youngest sister by 6 months, Jezabell  , helped out as much as she could working downtown at the local Starbucks part time.  Like me she was focussed on school work more then anything.  Our older brother Braxton,  23 left our abode three years ago after enlisting in The Navy to become a Navy seal. We all couldn't be more proud of him. 

Finally home, we quickly change into summer dresses and scandals kiss our mother goodbye and we're off once again.

"Where are  we going again?" Jezabell said thumbing through the plane tickets. " I hope there are some hot guys there. We need to find you someone miss im not talking to boys.  Your on summer break now so no being shy when we come into contact with guys you hear me?" 

"Yes mom!  I'm hungry, that school lunch was gross you mind if we stop for  a burger I'm buying?"

"Well in that case sure !" She pushed her seat back and turned on the radio.

" Turn that I'm not starting our vacation listening to Taylor Swift , she's not my type sorry." I love rock music and never have been a pop tart. No offense to those that love her music, to  each their own. "There should be some CDs in the glove box. Just pick one."

"You seriously still listen to Metallica? Thats from like the 90s isn't it?"

"Don't judge me , just pick one miss I still listen to Rod Stewart." Ding ding round one ! I knew that would make her mad , dont bad mouth good rock music over a spiky haired man from the 70s. It was all in good fun though. 

"Here we go! Some good music! Enjoy you metal head!" 

Ahhh yes! MANOWAR!!!!That's one thing my dad and I  had in common,  our love of WWF wresling and Heavy Metal music. I yanked my hair from my ponytail and thrashed head banging trying to drive at the same time. Sun high in the sky I was floored to be sharing this summer getaway with my best friend,  my sister partner in crime. 

"You got the tickets right?"

"You already asked me that in the car silly goose!  We have two hours till we leave I will grab us some coffee and some reading material.  I want the window seat too , I don't care" 

Fianlly after waiting three hours , we got into our seats awaiting take off.  The sky was a luminous pink and blue the brihht sun light casting warmth into our small look out windows.  I snagged my headphones from my purse and played my travel music mix.  I glance over  to Jez and slide on my sunglasses and fade away.

"Please put your seats in the upright position  and tray tables up.  We will be landing in St. Lucia islands in a few. Thank you for flying with us and enjoy your stay." Paradise at last!

"Oh my god look at all tbe people on tbe beaches! I can't wait to dance and unwind start this vacation off right. What should we do first?" Jez said bouncing off the walls ready to have some fun.

"Get checked in and then hit the beach asap!" I glanced down at my nails and knew a mani was in order.  "Visit a nail shop sometime too, if we are gonna mingle with the locals we cant have nasty nails right?"

"Your gonna get a color other then black right ?"

Luna was a rock fan thats already known, and she favored the dark side of life. She's a fan of the color black  and thats about all. Me however,  pink and silver were my go to colors. Hence why I love high end brands like Channel and Gucci. We unloaded  our bags  touched up with some powder and lips gloss then set off again to the beach. White powdered sand , clear periwinkle seas, tanned humans laying out half naked and not giving a care who walked by. 

"Mom called wanted to know that we made it safe,  you know how she can be a worry wart. We can call her back when we get ro the room again. Oh my god look at all the eye candy , girl we are in the gold mine of sexy scenery. Shall we go mingle?"  Jez grabbed her sisters hand pulling her away from her cell phone. "Can you put that away for one second and stop taking selfies , your followers can go a couple days without seeing your face a million times.  Let's go enjoy the beach!"  

"Touché ! At least I'm not floooding snap chat with those ridiculous filters , I mean really?"  She rolled her eyes at me then tucked away her phone.

Finally, phone free  we could now enjoy this beautiful place. The sun began to set over the water.  Surfers caught waves almost gliding so effortlessly to the shore before wiping out.

"Thank you for taking this trip with me, I know we are gonna miss our time together once I go away to college one day. You need to stop growing up so fast , mom isn't gonna have anyone left to baby once you leave the nest." I grabbed my camera to snap a shot of the incredible sunset.

"Ok, ok enough with the sap! Let's just have some fun and forget everything else."

Leave it to Luna to harden up when it came to senetive matters. She was the ying to my yang and thats why we were each others best friend,  partners in crime.  Tommorow is another day , I couldn't wait !

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