My heart wants ...

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"So tell me about yourself " he said as he tossed a handful of sand into the water.  I felt like I was being interviewed for a job. Only difference was the way he spoke was way hotter then any boring office suited man.

"Well I'm only 17 still in high school about to graduate with my sister this year. I would like to go to tattoo school maybe learn different styles of ink and all.  I know that sounds way out of my league but I don't care I do too jay I want to I don't care about rules and what a lady should do with her life. Oh and I wanna buy a motorcycle I love fast rides.  My sister is the slow poke rich pants, the one that's all about Gucci , Prada and Yuppie lifestyle.  She gets that from our mom.  I'm more like my dad , I like the darker side of life and fast bikes as you just heard me say.  What about you what drives your soul?" 

He looked at me like I had just said something alien like. 

"I've never heard a woman speak like you do , I like it. What drives my soul is finding someone who's my opposite. Someone that doesn't let a man have his way or is a pushover.  I love the fancy fabrics too but that's not my true style. I'm more of a laid back beach guy. I love to have control but I will let the right woman take it ,if I think she deserves to that is." 

Oh my god ! Did he just say that? I knew I probably   looked like a deer in headlights.  It's just shocked me that's goody goody rich man like him had a dark dominate side.  Maybe I was wrong bout him after all..Maybe.

"Did I shock you with my honesty ?"  He looked over to me and brushed my hair off my shoulder.  "Would it scare you away if I said how old I am?"

No way he could be any older then I was give or take a few years.

"How old are you ?"

"21" he looked out to the water.

Oh boy now I knew I couldn't be with him if it was up to my mother. She would never allow it. I was still in school she wouldn't go for the idea oh find a guy older then you and the next thing you know he wants to take you away from your studies. Wait ! This wasn't going anywhere why am I so overthinking it?

"Hey that's cool ! It's not an issue."

"But your only 17 don't you still live at home with your parents ?"

"Parent! My dad skipped town once he found someone to replace my mother with. I still live at home I mean yes , but this isn't gonna turn into some blissful union we both know that."

"Yea your right, when do you guys fly out again ? A week I think you or Your sister said right ?"

"Yes! I'm sure we can hang out again before I leave." I smiled looking at him quickly then away. My hardened shell was melting under the way his blue eyes were looking into my soul. "What's on your mind? You look like you wanna say something to-"

He kissed me ! He just up and kissed me ! That was the last thing I expected on this innocent beach walk. I left my eyes open and watched as his hand cupped my cheek and the way his lips curled to meet mine. But then I closed them losing myself inside his kisses. He would come then pull away only to let his breath dance along my hungry lips. Without thinking I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me , as close as I could possibly have him near me. His arms grab my waist tight , our mouth fighting for dominance and then it ended just like that.

"I can't get close to you if you don't want me to."

"I want you even closer then this Jared." I shocked myself as those words fell from my lips to his ears.

We kissed some more then walked the rest of the sand making our way back to my hotel room. As we stopped just short of the entry way he held my hand pulling it to his lips.

"I knew there was something beautiful, deep in you. When I saw you ,I was eager to get to know you better. This isn't the end, I will see you again. The sooner the better , goodnight Luna." He smiled ear to ear like he had just been handed the keys to a Lamborghini or new house.

I walked inside pulling the key out placing it into my pocket again. I felt myself smile too.

"Did you kiss him?!" Jez said jumping on the bed eating from a ice cream container. She's so goofy I swear.

"I don't kiss and tell , goodnight Jez!"

She gasped and sat on the bed again. "You little hussy , you just met him I'm telling mom!"

"Tell her it's my life I don't care anymore! Besides it's nothing more then a simple kiss anyways. I'm tired so goodnight." I got into bed and fell asleep. I could hear Jez talking, still ignoring her , I couldn't stop thinking about that kiss. I have a grave feeling this was gonna hurt in the end if I let it go any further than that kiss we shared. But what if I just let it go and ... my heart , what should I do ?

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