Lust or Love

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"Do you normally ask a girl to do that even if you barley know her?" I see him move closer to me and lift up my shirt running his hands up around me. He had this intimidating aura about him I couldn't get over.  His piercing blue eyes I swear could make me feel naked and vulnerable, I couldn't figure him out. I know I say he isn't the type of guy I go for , but he just drew me in for some reason. His body was what many would call perfect and god like. That six pack and the v cut I have to say was making me want to lay naked with him and let him dominate my soul.  He had a dark side I could see in his eyes as I accidentally let it slip that I was into whips cuffs leather and being held down my throat while a man fucks me.  I'm not hiding the fact I'm far from innocent hell no ! But when I'm getting to know a guy I let certain deets out, oh but when I let him on all the  ya watch out baby.

My sister keeps calling my phone but right now I don't care about anything else but being here right here next to him. I hate the fact I'm leaving in a couple days. My heart has developed feelings for Jared so quickly. It scares me that when I leave we never may see each other again. For all I know he will forget about me and move to the next chick. I cant let that bother me though I need to just let go and enjoy this moment.

"Why were you so rude to me when we first met ?" He says as he kisses my fingers one by one. Those lips so warm and gentle. He keeps his eyes closed not looking at me as his mouth moves up my bare arm and shoulder to my neck the chin. "Were you afraid of me or something? I've been told I can come off as intimidating and all but that's not me at all. I just know what I want and once I want it , it's bound to become mine sooner or later."

His confidence in himself turns me on bad. My hands grab for his face to look at me. I cant get enough of this beautiful view of the ocean in his eyes. His smile white as the puffy clouds in the afternoon sky , has that hidden mischievous edge that drew me in. The night is fading fast so we decided to call it and get some sleep.

"Why didn't you answer your phone?" Jezebelle is barking up the wrong tree. I haven't had coffee or breakfast yet and I'm not gonna let her ruin my happy day. I don't have many so. "Luna? Earth to Lu you there?"

I set the phone down and walked over filling up my coffee cup that has just finished brewing. Jared hands me a bagel with strawberry spread on it.

"Who's on the phone?"

"No one, the brat can just sit there in silence since she wants to come at me yelling and demeaning. Thank you for the breakfast, how's your tea?"

I can hear the dial tone finally and I shut my phone sliding it on the bed again. My sister has always been so bossy and over bearing over me. The worst time was when she caught me with that one guy , rushing into moms room blabbing about how I was such a whore and this and that. Paybacks a bitch with me. She sure didn't like that spider in her bed when she snuck a guy in the very next night. Oops!

"The tea is perfect, just like you!" He winked.

"That's so cheesy, really?" I rolled my eyes. "Sorry to burst your bubble , I'm anything but perfect. I'm a flawed chick , I sin like a mofo believe me."

"Yea well so do I. What do you wanna do today?"

"I wanna get a tattoo , like maybe a skull with roses coming out of its mouth ? I'm not old enough I get that but when that day comes I'm getting tatted all over as much as I can and still get a job." I sat down my coffee and pulled my hair into a tighter bun on top my head.

He moved in closer to me and laid sensual kisses all over my neck. "I can give you a tattoo if your serious about it. I've had training from my buddies back home. That is if your not to chickenshit to go through with it." He nibbled on my shoulder then licked it. He was making me warm all over. I was tempted and something inside of me wanted to screw what Jez and mom have to say about it when and if IF they find out.

"Ok , lets do it! When can you do it ?" I return the love all over his bare chest and abs. Now you wanna talk about a perfect specimen of a man holy balls , this man was deliciously yummy. His skin smelled rich and enticing. I couldn't stop looking at it , feeling it with my hands and tasting it with my lips and tongue. "I wanna have sex with you before I have to go home. I cant leave without knowing how you feel inside of me." I knew what I would have to face when I got home. I just didn't care anymore. I had friends I could stay with if my mother booted me out. I always was prepared.

"I can't do that knowing your underage. We will see each other again. I know this and I respect you to much to take advantage of you. Please don't be mad with me but I have to be upfront about my morals." He moved away, then walked over to the dresser where his phone was buzzing away. "Yea? Ok I'm gonna have to change my flight then , no worries man it's cool. See ya tonight, bye ".

" You have to leave ?" My heart sank as I said those words.

"Business ventures , last minute meeting I can't turn down. I've been putting it off for to long , how bout I take you on a boat ride for lunch so we can spend one last time together , and then I will have to leave you till we meet again." He grabbed my hand lifting me to my feet and close to his body. "I will see you again my beautiful Luna. Let's get dressed and go enjoy our time together."

The boat was massive and it was just him , I and the captain. He never let my hand leave his. The ocean beamed like sparkling Diamonds as fast as the eye could see. "When you go back home, feel free to let your heart be loved by someone new , just promise me one thing -"

I closed my eyes and leaned my head on his shoulders , " What's that ?"

"Never forget this, us and -" he slid something into the back pocket of my pants. "Ah! No peaking until I have to leave ok?" He lifts my face to look at him.

"Ok fine I won't." I smiled and kissed him. "What time is your flight?"

"In three hours , I enjoyed spending time with you. After you finally let me inside that is. Man your a feisty woman I tell ya. You don't make it easy for a man to have to your attention or your heart."

"Who says you have my heart Jared?" I winked.

He just threw his head back laughing at me and squeezed me tighter against him. "See! That's  what I'm saying that right there , feisty! We should get back I have to pack and have Shannon get ready to. He's my wing man on these trips even if we don't work together he's in charge of my business matters that's his job. Kinda like my assistant without the pay."

"Is that so ? How does he feel about it? "

"He's cool , he better be cool with it I mean free rent and food all he has to do is keep me on track with meeting and such. Not a bad life right ?"

"Nope can't say it is. This was fun thank you , for everything."

"My pleasure. I'm not looking forward to saying goodbye to you," the boat docked at the port and we stepped off hand in hand again. "Your not like anyone I've ever known. You made me work for it and that , that's a huge turn on for me. I get bored easily and it takes someone special to capture my attention and -"

We stopped just at the door of his room as I waited for him to finish his thought. "And what ?"

Lips crashing Together as tongues fought for domination. Hands tossing hair everywhere. We couldn't keep ourselves off each other. This wasn't helping the fact we were parting way in a few moments.

"You have my heart, every inch every piece of it. I won't ask you for anything in return except, please never forget about us or these few days we had together. Goodbye Luna, I will never forget you , ever. ". With one last kiss we separated one last time, moving on to different paths in our lives. Only time would tell if those paths would ever cross again.

I can't believe we got to hang out with such hot guys , do you Luna ?" Jezebel said as she strummed through a gossip magazine.

I didn't feel like celebrating when I just had to say goodbye to someone who I now had very intense feelings for. Life has a crazy way of bringing people into your life that take away pieces of your heart and soul when you least expect it. Now I sit here on this plane bound for home again knowing I'm not the same person I was when I left. I missed him and hope he is missing me too. Love can change you , now I know how true that saying really is.

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