Nice to meet you

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I was always fond of getting before the sun came up. Just to enjoy the last of the night before day break. Luna was the late sleeper hence why she was always late to work, luckily Starbucks was so forgiving. I decided to shower enjoy some coffee and take off to see about getting some new clothes to wear. I had just gotten paid and had enough in the bank to spend a little fun money.

Wouldn't ya know it they had a Dior store and Burberry one as well. My inner valley girl couldn't wait to get my hands one a new dress and shoes. As I walk in I'm greeted by a petite blonde with a super cute black and pink dress and heels. Love her style. She takes me to the back to show me some purses and dresses. Although I didn't come for a purse, the temptation was there.

"Your from out of town I take it."

"How can you tell am I that obvious?"

"Your wearing sandals, we don't do sandals, locals wear wedges or heels , no offense." She snears and acts like she didn't mean to offend me. I can tell she's a new hire, no one from a  Dior store or even Gucci or Prada would treat someone like she just did.

"You must think that offended me , your cute. Maybe you can do your job and take these shoes from THIS season to the counter so I can look around in peace." Checkmate!

She turned grabbing them from my hands and left me alone.

I hear a man's voice come from behind me. Paying it no mind I kept shopping and finally found what i was looking for. I turn to go pay for my purchases when I bump into a hard body.

"Im so sorry" he said smiling and moving aside. He smelled so good. "Beautiful weather we are having right? You on vacation or something?"

"Maybe, are you?" Pushing my purse back up my shoulder I can't help but notyice how deeply blue his eyes are, the ocean would be jealous of the depth and intensity.

"I am in fact. I'm visiting for the art convention coming this weekend. I have a few pieces of my own that I wanna display as well. Are you a fan of art?"  His fingers strum along the display,  a delicate touch  you cant look away,  hands of an artist indeed.

"Not really ,I'm not ginna lie but I love independent films and people who arent afraid to express their own forms of art. I took Drama high school , loved it but then found a love for writing short stories. I would love to write a  novel one day.  Who knows life can always suprise ya right ?" 

"Wanna come to lunch with me and we can discuss this some more?" He says looking down to see his wallet on the floor. 

"I would love to,  but my sister is waiting for me to get back so we can go exploring.  I think she should be awake by now. Anyways thank you for the invite."

He supsrised me with a friendly hug. "I gotta get going , I didn't catch your name ?

"Im Jezabell," I extend my hand to shake his.  His skin is soft nails trimmed and in way better shape then my own.

"Good to meet you Jezabell,  I'm Jared!" He stepped out holding the door for me to pass through. "Enjoy your vacation, I hope to see you again."  He walked out of sight around the corner. 

I went back to the hotel with my new clothes thinking that was a cutest man if I'd  ever met one.  My sister was up,  showered and dressed ready to go. "I need coffee and my nails done, you do to look at your hands."

" Says the girl who makes fun of me for doing my hair at a salon.  I ran into a guy today while I was our shopping he was nice."

"Nice? That's something mom says , was he hot?" Like a Cheshire cat smiling intrigued all of a sudden.

" Yea he was , but he's not your type. He can dress and likes art. Says he's here for a art show. Oh and he paints."

Her smile fades quickly , not one to be intrested in art at all. She followed me out the door as we head to the nail salaon. Thankfully when we arrive its not that busy. The place I have to say is like paradise; orchids , burning oils and softly playing music.  We got seated into our chairs as the ladies got to work on our hands.

"What did he look like?" She asked me our of nowhere. "He doesn't sound like my type.  I'm just asking for the hell of it."

"Blue eyes , dark brown hair and dresses very well.  His hair was so shiny I should have asked him what he does to keep it that way. No I'm glad I didn't that would have been creepy of me. It was also pulled back into a small bun , god he smelled good to!"

"Sounds like he made a mark on you from the way you describe him Jez," she said mocking me almost. She was the sarcastic one of course.  "Maybe we will both run  into him next time. Not that I think that's gonna happen, anyways, what color are you gonna get on your feet?"

"My feet?" I asked.

" Well yea, you cant have colorful nails with bare feet , c'mon Jez we are on vacation live it up a little. Oh and I'm making it my mission to find you a man."

"I'm not looking right now I'm to focussed on school and college. Be my guest if you wanna find one for yourself Lu."

After awhile we found a small little café to enjoy some sweet treats and coffee. The door chimed as someone entered the cafe. There was that colonge again!  A whipsy breeze makes my the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

"We meet again, may I join you two?"

I look up watching Luna's face as she looked up to him. "This table is kinda full. See there's plenty of other seats to choose from." 

I was shocked she said that out loud.  "LUNA! No, please of course you can sit here with us , good to see you again. What brings you here?"

"Picking up some coffee for my brother.  This place has the best reveiws from what I've read. Their blends are out of this  world, what kind are you getting?"

"Coffee,  what does it matter ?It's  all the same anyways."  Luna said rolling her eyes shaking her head at him.

His face was priceless,"Your so uneducated I see.  If my brother heard you say that he would pissed!  Maybe I should sit somewhere else I'm not feeling so welcome here. Was good to see you again Jezabell."  He went to pick up his order and sat across the room by the window overlooking the ocean.

"Your not nice!"

"Don't care, I don't know him and im not gonna see him again anyways. So i don't care if i was NICE!" Hello miss Emo Luna! I  was wondering if she was on her period everyday , always so moody and opinionated about everything.

"He's coming back over , dont be rude," I whipserd to her looking down at my menu.

"Don't mean to interrupt, but I couldn't help but hear what your name was. It's a beautiful name , to bad your personality isn't as well. Have a good day ladies." 

Luna was speechless,  for once.

As we got into the taxi to go exploring, " He's not nice contrary to what you say. He seems to me like a conceited jerk! Yea he's more your type then mine." 

"Luna, get over yourself! I'm not looking,  im gonna laugh my ass off , if you guys click by the end of this trip ,  watch I bet  you guys fall madly in love.  Opposites attract ya know." I winked at her, she didn't find it funny whatsoever. 

Fianlly after a half our car ride we arrived at the lagoons.  Time to enjoy some peaceful paradise.

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