You don't know me

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"You about ready Jez?" I called out waiting for miss prim and proper to make an appearance so we can get going. "It's almost 10 they are gonna be waiting for us , cmon let GO!"

"Ok! I'm done , how do I look ?" She stepped out wearing a pair of skinny jeans and pink and black top with heels. Of corse she packed heels ! "Do I look ok or what ?"

"You look good now let's go!" I handed her the hotel key and finally we were on our way. I was nervous for some reason and I never get nervous. Guys don't intimidate me normally , but this one was way different. "You think you sprayed enough perfume I think maybe next time don't use the whole bottle and bath in it."

"Don't be jealous because you use the cheap stuff and I go for the Expensive scents. Besides, maybe you should have worn something a bit more appropriate for this date. Jared isn't really into the girl who rolled out of bed look."

"Is supposed to offend me miss I can't buy anything less then Gucci? Name dropping and label bragging isn't my thing. Obviously,he went for my style hence I kissed him and he showed interest in me."

"Maybe he felt sorry for you and did it out of pity," I stuck out my tongue at her showing her I wasn't being serious whatsoever. "Opposites attract I think he would be good for you."

"Yea , we'll see. Oh cool ,we are here, that was fast." I climbed out of the car and waited for Jez to join me. My eyes roamed the streets and then into the restaurant. I had yet to see them anywhere.

"Looking for us ?!" He snuck up on me making me jump.

As I turn to look he caught me quickly in a deep kiss. "Well that's a sweet way to say hello now isn't it. Have you guys been here long ?" 

"Not really , we just pulled up a few moments ago. You look beautiful, I'm gonna have to keep my eyes on you keep the other men at bay away from stealing you away." His eyes smiled and I felt a warmth from his hands on my neck. Feeling his lips next to my ear all I wanted to do was kiss him all night long.

"Your a flirt you know that ? Are you like this with other girls you've been with ?" Luna said trying to be witty. The look on his face told her , he didn't think that comment was funny at all.

"Can we have that table by the window over looking the ocean please ?" Jared said as he straightened his shirt.

"Of corse , please follow me and I will seat you. " the waiter said as he carried a cloth over his arm. This place was defiantly fancy today the least. "May I get you some wine , champagne or Chardonnay?"

" For my brother and I yes, these two no thank you my fine sir."

"As you wish , I will be back to take your orders." He walked away joining the others who came in and out of the kitchen doorways.

"I'm sorry if I offended you by my question. I just thought you've dated a lot of people that's all," Luna said trying not to make him any more pissed off. She didn't realize just how sensitive he was , to her he seemed to be tough as nails and opinionated. She was proven wrong once he spoke up again however.

"Anyone ever tell you that's rude to ask someone that ? I mean why even say those kind of things ?" He shook his head. "You basically called me a whore , which I'm certainly not. I've dated other women yes , but not hundreds like your implying. Ok, how many have you dated or shall we not speak on that? It's rude to ask someone how many people they've dated or been sexual with don't you think ?"

I was flustered and pissed at the same time. I never had a man confront or shut me down like he just did. For now I would keep my words to myself not wanting to make a scene with all these rich people surrounding our table. I was beginning to regret coming here now. I gave it a chance now all I wanted to do was leave and go get fast food by the hotel and be alone.

"You gonna stay quiet all night or what ?" Jez asked me in between bites of her chicken salad, if you could call it a salad. It looked like it was a baby sized portion if you asked me.

Thankfully I ordered a FULL sized meal. Hey , I didn't have to pay for it so why not upgrade. Yea I know , I sound like a brat , but she's my sister she's used to my bitchy personality. Plus , I always get my way.

"So anyways , how are you Miss Jezabell? You look so beautiful I almost forgot to tell you." Shannon was laying it on thick with my sister. I bet all he wanted was to get it on and move onto the next girl who takes a vacation here.

"Thank you, you look good too. What are you doing after this ?" She smiled as she gazed into his eyes.

I almost choked on my food hearing those words come out of her mouth. Did my sister just ask a man to come to our room tonight , that hussy! If only mom knew about this tramp!

"I was hoping you would ask , although , I'm usually the one asking that question , you beat me to it. I'm not in any hurry to go to bed so I'm open to anything."

She pushed her mouth right up his ear whispering something I couldn't make out. Sneaky little bitch ,I knew she was telling him something naughty.

"You know he's older the you and what do you think mom would have to say about that ?" Shocking right? I'm usually the one who sneaks out and breaks the rules, only now , the tables have turned. I was in Jez's shoes trying to convince her not to do something she will regret later on. "Jez, did you not hear me ?"

She pulled away from Shannon's side and the look in her eyes was not nice at all. "You think I give a fuck what you or mom has to say about my personal life ? Wasn't it you , that snuck out when you were sixteen , to go meet up with a senior boy at his friends house and almost had sex ? Yea, I swear that was you, getting grounded for two weeks no car or phone , LUNA! So please , stay outta my business unless I ask for your advice. Shannon and I are leaving. Jared good to see you, have fun with that brat , bye guys."

As I watched them leave together , my heart sank. I knew she was making a big mistake if she went further with him tonight. They had just met it was too soon , she's only gonna get used , or worse heartbroken and ruined for life. This wasn't what we came here for , it's our vacation damit. I needed to stop this now, but would she even listen to me ?

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