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Of corse she wouldn't tell me anything that happened last night. I know in my heart she kissed him by the way she avoided my question. That was Luna though she didn't like PDA anyways or bragging about private things. Me however I made sure the world knew about my kiss and tell stories. Not that I was boasting but I loved being in Love hell I loved boys and cuddling kissing everything you name it. 

I arrived at the local seafood restaurant where Shannon asked me to meet him. I was early per usual I disliked being there or anywhere at the last minute I found it rude to make someone who was expecting you wait. I would in return expect  that as well from the other person.  Well , today wasn't my lucky day. Hour passed by the two then almost two and  a half.  As I was about to get up and cut my losses I see him pop around the corner.

"Well thanks for finally showing up , nice of you to grace me with your presence,"I said sipping on my iced coffee. 

He didn't say anything , just sat down scrolling through his menu and slid his phone on the table next to his plate. "I overslept how are you?" 

"I was about to leave , I'm good otherwise."  Then came the awkward silence just like in any first meeting or date which this certainly wasn't a date not after him being so nonchalant about  making me wait. "Can I ask you something personal ?"

"Depends on what your about to ask me," still not making eye contact he skimmed through the menu some more calling over the waiter to order his lunch and a beer. 

"Don't you think it's a little early to be drinking?" 

He didn't care for my time. "I don't recall asking you if it was fine or not. I'm 22 so there ya go. What did you order to drink ?"

I raised my glass and he shook his head.

"I'm only 17 ,I cant drink my sister is about to be 18 as well so. It's iced coffee just so you know."

This wasn't going as I planned. He wasn't taking at all I was still filming about being made to wait. But for now I had to let it slide maybe he did really over sleep. He was still very much a stranger to me so who am I to judge right. 

"You should try the fish and clam chowder it's delicious best in town. My brother and I have had it many times. Oh and the lava cake is insane." 

"That's awesome good to know."

"Awesome? What are we still in the 90's or something?"

Smartass !

"Yea because cussing on first date is cool right ?" 

His head popped up half smiling at me "Who said this was a date ? It's a friendly hang out."

"Oh so now we are 10 hanging out? That's even better." 

"Look I'm sorry I'm late that I made you wait so late my. I really did oversleep. Let's start over ok, it's been a long week.  I lost my job I was working at for 6 years and I haven't been the same.  Jared will tell you when I go through hard times I become very dark and moody.  More then I usually am. I'm sure you don't wanna be bored with all the details.  I'm sure your life is much easier then mine right. Mom and dad give you a car paid for your trip and all right?" 

I was sympathetic up until he said that.

"No actually I have a full time job working and I took care of my grandma until she died recently. My dad took off on us because he couldn't stop cheating on my mother.  My income largely supports my household. So no ,nothing was handed to me."  I pulled out my phone, I was so ready text Luna to come save me from this judgmental dick.  He must have picked up on my irritation as he got up out of his chair and went over to the counter to give me space.   I'm not temperamental-but I have limits when you make accusations about my personal life. 

"Here I got you this. Again I'm sorry for jumping your shit ,I mean your case."  He handed me a small rose a pink one. 

I looked up to his face it had changed. I could tell he was sorry.

"Wanna go walk around. I can take this coffee to go and we can have our lunch maybe in a park somewhere or the beach , what do you say ?"

He held out my hand and I grabbed it as he helped me stand up. I could t help but notice how big and muscular his hands were.  Mine felt so small inside of them. I felt his thumb rubbing the top of my hand. Butterflies erupted inside my belly and my heart. This was quickly turning into more then a friendly hangout. I was begging to grow more and more comfortable with that change. 

"So whats your ideal place of happiness Shannon ?" 

He laughed and shook his head again. "Being rich having a secure house a couple motorcycles and endless supply of coffee. What about you ?"

"Being married with kids and living in a house along the beach somewhere  warm. Oh and I wanna own my clothing line someday I wanna major in fashion and design. Hence the reason I love and bit expensive brands. I love the art and colors each of them has in their own fabrics and designs. Not one is the same. And maybe own a million bottles of perfume I'm obsessed with warm smells like musk vanilla, Sandlewoods and Egyptian musk. By the way what kind of cologne are you wearing it smells sexy."

" I smell sexy hmmm well thank you for the compliment but it's just body wash that I stole from Jared. He like you buys expensive brands. I'm to cheap so I five finger discount that stuff. It's called Hugo Boss. Oh wow look over there I think I saw some fish jumping !"

He grabbed my hand and took me into the water without thinking I tossed my purse and phone on the sand before it was too late.

" What about your phone and wallet won't it get ruined ?"

" I don't care , material things don't matter to me their all replaceable." He jumped into the water swimming out further and further. I admired his free spirit. It was definitely a huge turn on from other guys I've been around that have one thing on their minds. Get it in and on to the next girl no love involved.

" I should have packed my suit in my purse if I'd known we would've out here swimming."

"Who says you need a suit to swim ?" He raised his eyebrow and smiled wide.

"Ohhhhh i seee! Well not today playboy I have morals."

He swam back over to me and laughed. "No silly I didn't mean it that way. Have you ever been skinny dipping ?" His hand skimmed across my stomach making me shiver. "Have you lived on the wild side before ?"

"Yes I have for your information! I'm not a prude if that's what your implying."

"Did I say that? No you took it that way , ok I dare you to come skinny dipping with me at midnight tonight. Let's see if you have the balls to do it."

I laughed and as I turned my head away to admire the ocean he snuck in a small kiss on my neck. A moan escaped my lips as he kissed me again this time with a little bit of tongue and teeth. I never had someone do that to me what he just did.  As I turn my head around to look at him his eyes were intense almost to much to stare  into.  We both stood not saying anything for a few moments. I was the first to move again and started walking up to the shore to fetch my phone and purse. 

"I hope that didn't scare you at all. I just saw your neck exposed and I couldn't t help myself. Maybe I should go ,can we see each other again?" 

" I'd love that ! How about a double date I mean hangout at dinner tonight.  Luna has been bugging me to take her to this fancy place up on top of the hill. She read about and said you can see the whole island and I gave in and said I would take her there. You and Jared should defiantly come with!" 

He walked over closer to me wrapping his arms around my waist, " There's something about you I wanna get to to know better. I can't explain it really." 

I stood on my tip toes and kissed his forehead making his arms high tighter around me. "I wanna know more about you too. Thank you for this day it was just what I needed. I hope I can see you again tonight."  I kissed his cheek and smiled.

He let me go and I headed back to the hotel feeling differently about him then when we first spoke a couple hours earlier. I came on vacation not to meet a man or find love at all , but maybe life had  a very different agenda for me instead.

"A love as deep as the Ocean "Where stories live. Discover now