Just a touch

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"I thought I lost you forever when you hung up on me that day," he held my hand and said to me with a smile on his face. His hair hung over his eye and all I wanted to do was use that as an excuse to touch his face and be closer to him. I feared if we got close again he would run again and leave me high and dry.

I moved over closer to his chair and laid my head on his shoulder and kissed his neck then moved away again. I didn't wanna push and come off to desperate and eager. A little chase never hurt anyone right ? Our food arrived to the table just as someone called my name from afar.  I recognized that voice alright , it was Jez.  Why was she here I just wanna be alone with him.

" Well well we'll look who we have here ? Mom thinks your working in getting a job and here you are playing around with him, way to be responsible Luna." She sneered at me and who should be behind this hypocrite, no other then Shannon !

"Yea looks like your being responsible too sis , lemme guess you were with him the other night from the looks of the Hickie on your neck. You can leave now we wanna be alone. "

"Why can't they join us? What's to fight about anyways?" Jared said.

"I agree let's all have dinner together why not?" Shannon grabbed a chair and let Jez sit next to him and scouted in next to us. "What's good to eat at this joint?"

"Have you guys never fought ?" I looked at Jared and he laughed. I wasn't laughing however.

"Actually yes we have, but then you grow up and realize you need your sibling and you get over it. The soup is good and so is the wine. I was planning on being alone with her though , if you guys don't mind."

"Hey I gotcha we can jet , we are headed to the beach again to have dinner anyhow. You know how I like to wine and dine the ladies right ?" Shannon stood up standing next to Jez As she took the hint it was time to go. "See ya in about hour man have fun kids!"

As they parted us I look back at him and feel emanated for my behavior towards my sister. Maybe Jay had a point after all. "I'm thinking of running away and starting a new life again. I'm tired of being under watchful eyes and everyone wants to know all the time about my private life. I'm so tired of it I just wanna get away."

" Where do you plan on starting over Luna?" Sipping his water as his eyes narrow in on me.

"I was hoping with you maybe? But I know I'm still in school I could finish and get a job and help you pay rent and bills or whatever you need."

"Please don't take offense to this ok?"

My mother always said that to me I cringed as I just heard him say the very same thing.

"I'm just getting to know you , your only 17-"

"Almost 18 in a couple months after school starts on September. Why do you keep bringing up my age why does that matter.  It's just a number anyways.  Society makes such a god damn big deal over it. Plenty of couples have been miles apart on age yet they stay together. Who gives a fuck about age Jared. So anyways ok what else ?"

"Lemme finish , you don't know me at all. We met on your vacation and I wasn't gonna gonna contact you after that because I care about you enough to let you be until your older. I'm not trying sound like a broken record but that's how I feel." He stopped talking and came over to me and kissed me cupping my face. My skin erupted in flames and passion all at once.

"Take me somewhere away from here I'm not hungry anymore I just wanna be close to you!" I said kissing him again deeper this time.

He grabbed my hand and off we went leaving the food to go cold. Jumping in the car he took me to a place in the hills overlooking the ocean. People passing us by heading down the bottom again. We stopped at the top and sat on top of large rock and the sun was just perfect lighting over the landscapes under our feet. I leaned into his body laying my head on his chest listening to his heart pounding it relaxed me even more.

"We can stay here all night and watch the sun go down then you can stay with me till the sun comes up tomorrow morning. I don't wanna let you go back home tonight. Say you'll stay with me Luna ?" His fingers skimmed up and down my neck as his lips took over mine. "I will make ya breakfast in bed if that will convince you to stay."

"Now that sounds very tempting I have to say. I'm in I will stay the night with you. Just lemme text my mom and tell I'm staying with a girlfriend. "

"Are you afraid of what she will say if she ever found out about us ?" His arms tighten around my body.

"Not really , I mean the worst that can happen is that she tries to ground me or kicks me out of the house. I have friends I can stay with so no, to answer your question I'm not afraid of anything."

"Good to know! I have to go out of town next weekend for business,would you be interested in coming with me? I will pay for everything you need , room and food."

"I would love to just pick me at the same place we met up at today." My phone was going off and I didn't bother to answer it. "Probably Jez being bossy wondering where I am. Why is she so up my ass about you , yet I know she had sex with Shannon. I know she has! She's so annoying I swear I wonder why I'm stuck with her as a sister."

He stood up grabbing my hand to help me up. We walked around the cliff side looking at the caves down below. We both looked at each and had the same idea. We snaked down the trails and reached the caves,  the beauty was indescribable ,  so breathtaking. The current was picking up so we couldn't stay long. He took advantage of our privacy and pushed me against the rock wall and kissed me grabbing my breast in his hand rubbing it making me hot and bothered. My hands explored his body under his shirt feeling the warmth combined with the sexy sound of hearing his moans in my ear.

"Keep touching me Luna." His breath seduced my ear drums. Lips left marks all over my neck as my hand moved over his butt and squeezed which turned him on. Quickly picking me up on his waist as he rubbed  his bulge against my core. "I wanna make love to you so badly,  but it will be worth the wait once it's time. I'm gonna make love to you for days. You touch drives me insane with lust you have no idea."

His hands grabbed my ass pressing himself harder against me. It turned me on to no return hearing how I was making him lose his mind wanting me so badly.

"I wanna feel you in my hands lemme feel you Jared." I looked in his eyes and saw them darken to a deeper shade of blue then before. He took my hand and undid his button sliding my hand into his pants. I swallowed hard knowing how bad we both wanted to go further but restrained our guilty pleasures for later on down the line. His shaft was hard all the way as I skimmed my fingers over his tip. His breath hitched as I kept going up and down a few strokes  until he pulled my hand away.

"If we don't stop now I can't promise I won't take it further Luna. Tonight in bed I'm gonna explore your body and give you the same pleasures you've given me. Let's get going speaking of which,  the sun is going down follow me to the car. I'm happy your mine again I won't let you go ever again."

His words made me blush, excitement filled my veins as we drove to his house. My heart couldn't stop singing his name the whole was there.

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