To see you again

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As I laid here reading his words I couldn't help but miss him even more. My sister in the other room as I lay out by the pool I can till see his hazel eyes watching me as I walked down the stairs to meet up with Luna in the car. She hasn't said much to me about Jared , since we arrived home three weeks ago. She's changed somehow because of what that note said he had told her not read till later. I wonder what it said she refuses to let me even take a peak  or if I even ask about it she shuts down. I cant read her if it's a good thing or bad.

"Do you want lunch mom said it ready Jez?" Luna called out to me and I tuck away my phone to head inside.

"Are you ever gonna let me in on that note?"

"What note?" Mom said as she set down the bowls of salad in front of us on the table. "Everything ok? It's not regarding college is it Lu?"

She shook her head and flared at me for even bringing it up. "No mom ! It's just a note from a friend I met on the trip no biggie. I'm gonna eat this in my room if that's ok. I'm tired I will be up later for dinner. "

"Luna? I thought we could spend time together. I mean it's not gonna be long until you both leave the nest for college and all. But whatever I guess so."

Before mom could look to see if Luna was still there she was long gone. I felt bad for mom she wasn't ready to let us move away for school. My plans still set on UCLA to pursue my degree in Psychology and counseling. I was hoping Luna was gonna forget tattoo school and just go for something more level headed and pays more. Nothing against tattoo artist that's their passion but I feared Luna would get bored and then what ? Ever since she had been around Jared she seemed different that's all.

"Go away! I'm busy !" She called out as I knocked on the door. "Jez I just wanna be alone."

"Are you talking to him again ?"

Silence then she said "I miss him Jez "

Her voice cracked and I walked in the room to see her holding a note. The one he gave her but she didn't wanna show is what it was about. "You wanna talk about it?"

I sat on the bed and she handed me the note finally. I read it and was shocked at what it said. "Luna , I'm writing this to let you know I can't continue this. I know we really like each other. But with your age and all I can't come to peruse you and know that I'm doing wrong by making that choice. I enjoyed our time together but until your of age this is goodbye. I will never forget you. Take care , Jared. " It broke my heart to read it and know she really did care about him very much. It takes a lot to make my sister fall in love and he had something and now once again she's hurt. No wonder she kept this hidden from mom and I.  I didn't blame her at all that would crush me too. On the flip side Jared had a point but I was gonna keep that to myself and make her feel even worse. 

"I thought it was go somewhere Jez I really did. Now it's done ? What did I do wrong ?" She hugged her pillow and cried.  I hardly saw her cry all the time we were growing up.  She hid her tears in her room in silence , she was the strong one. I however was the cry baby who didn't care where I or who I was around I let my emotions out.

"You did nothing wrong babe, you will see him again someday. I have faith you will and -"

"I hope I don't see him again after THIS? He broke my heart Jez!" She turned  away from me and I took the hint to leave her be. 

As I got to my car to head to get a few things from the store I thought about texting Jay and see what he thought about the situation. Just then as I was about to start a convo with him , Shannon chimes in which surprised me. 

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