Mystery eyes

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It's amazing how the look in a strangers eyes can  can make your heart stop. His chocolate brown hair wet and strung all over his face as he jumped into the water again from high above the water fall.  Trees swaying in the wind creating a romantic melody.

"Hey ! Can you move so I can jump please?"  He shouted from above. Water dripped from his body making my palms sweat.

I moved away and bumped into a hard body thinking it was Jezabell I turned to make a smart remark and realized it wasn't her. "Where did you come from ?" 

"I'm staying at a beach house near by thought I'd come check out the lagoons.  Looks like I'm not the only one that had that idea.  I'm surprised you are being cordial to me after that stank way you did me at the coffee shop." 

"I'm not being cordial at all you were on my way , please move." 

He stayed put  knowing he was getting under her skin.  "Do you always treat complete strangers you meet like you do me? It's really not lady like."

Huffing she didn't say anything and turned away walking out of the water to the shore again. Not making eye contact with him , she looked up once again to the other man that was jumping off the top of the rocks into the water for a third time.  This blue eyed man is annoying she thought. Who does he think he is telling me I need to be cordial the nerve. 

Later as the sun began to set over the water , the dark haired man came over to where Jez was and smiled.  She smiled back he seemed different for some reason. Covered in tattoos on his arms and a small one behind his left ear. I wonder how many women have kissed that spot. He gave her shivers of delicious temptations. He had a dark aura about him. Hair hanging over his eyes he lit up a smoke and looked up to the sky.

"Why did we come here again , I hate the sun. I rather play in the dark and go swimming when no ones around." 

Mr sauve came prancing over to join us , mystery man and I.  "Your the one that wanted that wanted to get out of the house and go somewhere far away. Don't bitch now , you act a lot like her you know that?"  

We looked at each other  this time his hair had slid enough to the side to reveal his hazel eyes.  I'd never known someone except for Jez ,that had hazel eyes. His facial hair scruffy and his full lips made my pulse stop.  Not a lot of guys can do that. He was more my type.

"Fuck off Jared, stop being judgmental you don't know her so that's rude." 

" Talk to her and you'll see what I mean. Moody you both are I tell ya. Anyways we gotta go , dinner plans I made at The Chariot, in an hour. Your not wearing that either , it's a fancy place." 

The other guy stood up and shook off the sand fo m his shorts and put on a black tank top and pulled his hair back in a small pony tail.  The definition in his arms , he was defiantly bigger then most I've been with.  Skinny ones somehow were always attracted to me. 

" Yes dad ! Your paying then since it's expensive you know I eat cheap. ". He walked up the trail as Jared followed behind.  "Nice to meet you miss moody  chick, I didn't catch your name." 

Once outta sight I caught Jezabell smirking and I knew what she was thinking. " Don't even start , I'm not interested in either one. I'm hangry so unless you wanna sleep with a moody sister , I suggest you feed the wolf. I want some burgers!"

She threw up her hands laughing at me. " I didn't say anything. Ok I will feed you grouchy pants. He was being a gentlemen and once again you are mean. I never will understand why your like that if someone shows interest in you Lu?"

I got up walking yanking my towel from her hands. "I don't have time in my life for Love right now. That's all your style not mine. Seems like me blue eyes likes you anyways by the way he kept watching you in the water and when you jumped the hazel eyed one too. So there ya go, both are all yours."

"Oh dear lord Luna loosen up have fun enjoy this vacation. I should have fed you before we came here. After we get dinner I wanna do some shopping on the shore they have some shops I saw a cute hoodie I wanna get. It's black , don't even think of stealing it. I know how much you love that color. Why don't you ever like to wear any other shade but that one ? I should buy you a pink one. Make you model it for blue eyes-"

"HIS NAME IS JARED !" She shook her head at me.

I stopped and turned to her grinning ear to ear. She likes him I KNEW it! I kept quite and turned and walked to our waiting car. This time it was a cute little car with a woman blonde hair pulled back and bright pink dress on smiling at us.

We arrived at the small eatery and ordered fries and soda. She kept looking out the window and eyes narrowed again. She does that only when she's in deep thought. Do I dare ask her who she thinking about? For all I know the darker haired man could be the one she fancies not Jared. I never did get to speak with that waterfall jumper speaking of which.

"Here's your orders my ladies! Will there be anything else ?"

"No thank you so much "

" Well well well , look who just walked in! That's Mr hazel eyes". Luna looked back at me.

Holy crap , that's the waterfall guy ? Damn! I must have looked like a fool with my wide eyes and Cheshire smile. Oh my !

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