My Demon Savior (Avenged Sevenfold)

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Just a warning! This first part may or may not be triggering to some people. This part isn't extremely important. I suggest stopping at the part where Maygen runs over to her neighbors. That part isn't to important. 


I was lying on my bed hugging my Avenged Sevenfold pillow, blaring Shepard Of Fire on the radio, and playing C.O.D Black Ops on my xbox. This was what I did usually on an everyday basis. Everyday I'd wear my A7X shirt and sweatshirt., with black skinney jeans, band bracelets, A7X necklace, black beanie, and black combat boots. You take one look at me and almost every inch of me is Avenged Sevenfold related. I learned how to play the guitar so I could play like Synister Gates, I learned every word to every song, I tried to learn how to play the drum so I could be like the Rev. I failed at that. Anyone who trys to play better than the Rev is just asking for failure. He was the most magnificent drummer of all time, and he was an extrodinary person too. Everyone missed him. Who wouldn't?

Someone started banging on my door, and it made me jump. I quickly got up, unlocked the door, and opened it to find my dad looking seriously pissed off. I looked down quickly trying to figure out what I could've done to make him so mad. I was drawing a blank. I looked up and waited for him to tell me what I messed up on this time.

"Do you know what you did?!" he yelled.

"No" I responded quietly.

"You took the quad out last night, and drove it on the road!"

"No I didn't!" I said with a look of disbelief on my face. The face I always made when I know I did something and I wanted to make it look like I didn't. He didn't seem to be buying it. He rolled his eyes and called me a liar. He pushes me out of the way and grabbed my tv and radio. I him take them to his room and in his closet. Before he came back I hid my IPod and headphones in my backpack. I hid my xbox inder my pillows before he noticed I even brought it to his house. If he were to see it I would be in a shit load of trouble. Last time I was caught with it I was shoved into the wall, and he was all up in my face sayin that I'm not good enough, or that I am a freak. He scares, and hits me emotionally when he does and says stuff like that.

When he did that I ran into my bathroom and locked the door behind me. I opened the drawer and pulled out my new knife that I got when I went camping at Drummond Island. I didn't want to use it for cutting, but my dad took all my other blades because he had suspicions. He forgot to take this one though, and I really needed the pain to fade. I put the knife to my arm and started to cut. I watched the blood come out of my body. To me cutting took out the blood that was infected with sadness,anger, hatred, or any unwanted emotion.

I grabbed a washcloth and wiped off my arm. The water stung a little, but it needed to be washed off so I could avoid getting the blood on my jacket. Right as I got my arm wiped clean and covered up my dad tried opening the door.

"Open the goddamn door!"

"Make me!" I yelled with tears streaming down my face.

I heard him stomp away and open a drawer in the kitchen. I heard him as he trudged back to my bathroom door. The door clicked and it flung open, almost hitting me square in the face. He saw I had been crying and what he said just... I don't know how it made me feel. I was hurt. What he said was...

"You have some emotional problems? You stupid Emo!"

I pushed past him and ran to my room, and shut the door. I heard him walk away. He wasn't stomping so I'm guessing he felt pretty good about himself at the moment. I heard his bedroom door shut, and I decided to go to my neighbors. Yes he was an older man, but I have known him ever since I was adopted. He's like a family friend. I would go over there almost everyday, and eat dinner with him and his wife. They were both people I could talk to, and trust not to tell Doug (My dad) that I was there.

When I got there his wife was gone. I was told not to go over when Cheryl wasn't there, but I trusted that Mike wasn't a sick old pervert so I went anyway. I walked in and he saw the teats and immediatly hugged me. He knew exactly why I was crying. I've came over multiple times because of Doug. I could see he was upset. He took me into the livingroom, and went to the kitchen to get me something to drink. I pulled out my IPod and messaged my BFFL(Haylee Cervontos). I told her what happened and she said she has a gun, and she was going to blow his head off. I told her I was fine, and where I was. She calmed down when she realized I was in a safe environment. So we thought.

Mike emerged from the kitchen with a plate of fruit and a Cocacola. He could see I didn't want to talk about it so he put in the movie W.I.L.L.O.W. He knew it was one of my favorites. It was a long movie, and half way through it he decided to make us cheeseburgers (Also my favorite). We ate while we finished watching the movie. The Mike started saying stuff that was making me kind of uncomfortable.

"Maygen, I need to tell you something and you have to promise it won't conflict with our friendship." he said with a very concerned look on his face.

"I promise."

"Well I'm an old man, and I'm having horrible thoughts toward you that I shouldn't" he was starting to have a hard tim talking."You're a very beautiful young lady, and I'm a creepy old man. I can tell you what I would like to do you. I want to give you oral pleasures, and watch you touch yourself. Have you ever done that?"

My face was red, and I was getting extremely uncomfortable. I wanted to go back home. I hoped if I answered just a little I could excuse myself. "No I haven't, and I don't intend to."

"Wow! Really? Well you should. There is nothing wrong with that. Just as long as you never let any guy stick his dick in you. Unless it's me" he chuckled.

My face was getting extremely red. I avoided any eye contact with him. I could feel something bad was going to happen, but I couldn't move. I could barely talk. Mike got up from his chair, and sat on the floor next to the couch I was laying on. He asked if he could give me pleasure, and I responded with a no. He asked several times. I kept giving him the same response. When I said no that last time his hand went from at his side to up my shirt. I tried to pull away, but one hand pulled me by my ass towards him again. I would've told him no or get away from e but I was so stunned. I was speechless.

He did that for a few minutes, and then got on the couch next to me. He started unbuckling my pants, and I tried again to get away. He had an iron grip on me. He got the buckle undone from my pants and pulled them off. You can guess what happened next..... It was horrifing. I walked home traumitized. I would've called the police, but I was so shocked. I wouldn't know what to say to report it. I also didn't want to get caught sneeking out. I decided to call my ex/friend Eli. I told him what happened, and he was extremely upset that I called him and not the cops. He was still concerned. He said that if we had school next week he'd hug me, but sadly it was spring break.

I talked to him for a few more minutes, and called Haylee. I knew her mother was monitering her calls, so I told her that I needed to tell her something. She was dissapointed that I wouldn't tell her over the phone, but she knew it was private when I wouldn't. We made plans to have her come over for a few days so we could talk. Talking is exactly what I needed right now. I knew she'd help me get through this.

My Demon Savior (A7X) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt