Chapter 5 - The Meet

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Daunt Books is a huge Edwardian style bookstore, old school, with oak galleries and skylights throughout.

It's a place Noelle could spend the day, getting lost in not only books but the architecture for there was something new to notice at every turn. For now, her attention had to be on following Bradley and the manager to the center of the store the stage for her signing.

There was a prominent display of 4EVER, a podium, a signing table with stacks of books that were ready to be signed by her aaand a large cardboard cutout of Noelle.

"Bradley I had no idea about the cutout, that's a little embarassing. Can I even say tacky?" She said under her breath careful for the manager to not hear her.

He chuckled a bit and mumbled, "The publisher is using what you got."

Scrunching her brow, "What?"

It was refreshing, Bradley thought, to meet a beauty like Noelle who wasn't stuck on herself. "Your book is hot and so are you, the publisher is just using both guns in selling your book."

Noelle turned blood red and buried herself in her purse, finding her favorite pens she liked to use when signing books.

Impressed with his ability to solicit that much of a blush, Bradley continued his work in setting up with a smirk.


Happy he arrived early, Prince headed to the second floor so that he could observe Noelle from above.

He knew the minute she entered the store, he could feel it. Sure enough, he saw her making her way to the middle of the store, her head constantly turning to take in all of the books and the architecture.

She looked beautiful wearing slim black dress pants with a spike ankle boot. Her untucked, tailored, crisp white, collared shirt with French cuffs was unbuttoned just enough to be make any man curious to look closer...hopeful to be lucky enough to see a little...more. Even from a distance, Prince could see a sexy lace something underneath the blouse. He has the radar for thst kind of stuff.

Her glossy brunette hair had a slight wave in it and swing with her every movement.

As she moved, hair sexily fell toward her face. "God I hope I have the opportunity to run my fingers through that someday."

Studious tortoise frames adorned her face making her...well no other words for it, classy sexy.

Prince found an armchair that gave him full view of her. Opening his book, pretending occasionally to read, he watch her smile, laugh and he even sensed a little nervousness which he found endearing.

He was so attentive during her reading and the question and answer section. Watching how the men and women responded to her.

He particularly paid attention when a young woman asked, "Are you seeing anyone?

Prince perked up in his chair, anxiously awaiting her reply. Noelle was suddenly uncomfortable, yet there was a hopeful smile on her face.

"I guess I have met someone recently, but it's very very new and I'm not sure where it's going. I'm just really living in the moment and it feels really good."

"Da fuck." He whispered upset. Gripping his book tightly and slightly smacking it on his forehead. Eventually leaning the book on his chin he whispered, "I didn't see that coming...but 'new' means that little boy needs to skedaddle."

After questions dwindled, the manager asked the audience if they would like to select Noelle's reading to finish up the night. A lady asked for page 173 and I saw Noelle's face drop a bit but she recovered quickly.

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