Chapter 20 - Breakfast With The Girls

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Noelle's body clock reverted back to work time as soon as they arrived from Rome, which means she was awake early, even after being up more than half the night.

In typical fashion Mr. Rockstar, who is accustomed to staying up all night, was still sleeping...hard. Between Noelle's body feeling like she had experienced a bull stampede and Prince's light snore it was impossible for her to fall back to sleep.

The king size bed afforded them space to roam and recover from one another's 'bury the bone.' Thankful to go unnoticed, Noelle was able to slip out of bed and quietly enter the bathroom.

Sighing heavily, "Chill damnit." She whispered having to coach herself to relax enough to just pee. Messy nerves were causing her legs to shake, hands too, as she tried to examine the more private breadcrumb trail of love bites he conferred on her figure.

He loved sucking her skin and she loved the constant claims he made on her body.

With a lift of the lock lever on the soaker tub, Noelle started to draw a hot bath.

After brushing her teeth, she slowly eased herself into the hot water recalling all of the beautiful favors Prince and she performed on one another. "Oh my many times did we play feed the kitty, lick the kitty?"

Finally settling into the steamy water, she leaned her head back onto the rim of the bathtub to suddenly wince and gasp at the sore bump she sustained from his slam against the wall. Rolling a nearby hand towel, she placed it behind her head ease the battle wound.

As much as she despised him snooping through her things, in some ways it was a relief because it was finally over.

She knew it was difficult to let go of the love she once felt, the betrayal that was permanently etched in her brain and in her heart. It ended up turning into her personal psychosis that would rear the dragon's head whenever life got a little low. Utilizing those props to punish herself, she knew it wasn't healthy but she kept them as a reminder of how she never wanted to be that blind again.

Essentially, they both had what they now wanted...freedom to focus on one another.

But Noelle is an independent woman and an analytical thinker which had her wondering how Prince would roll in the future, and rightly so considering what transpired.

As sexy as it was, would he resort to invading her privacy and strong hold her...sexually? And what strong hold would she have on him? Could she be, or would he allow her to be as bold?

Taking a break from her cerebral analysis, the water was starting to cool off, so she lathered her hair and body, rinsed and dried off.

Selecting her clothes for the day, she continued to ponder. Weren't there any women loitering around in his life? Past loves? Old proteges? Will there be new ones?

A conversation needed to be had.

Not to sound skeptical, but didn't he have any baggage that needed tending?

Grabbing a glass from the kitchen cupboard, Noelle filled it with water and snapped open the ibuprofen bottle gently shaking out three tablets. With a generous swig, she prayed that between the bath and the ibuprofen her body would do some serious repairing. The sleep perhaps with a nap later in the day.

A hand firmly rounded her hip causing her to draw in a an uneven breath. With his deep morning voice, "Tell the truth now. Was I too beastly last night?" He questioned while rattling the ibuprofen bottle at her side.

Noelle couldn't help but smile at his tender morning touch, but she couldn't lie, she also loved the animality of last night except for maybe the bump on her head from him slamming her up against the wall.

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