Chapter 2: Where it all began

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A/N *Warning this chapter will be sad* sorry if this is a bad chapter. I will try to update this story as much as I can probably on Saturdays or Fridays the most. Enjoy the chapter.

When I was four and a half my sister Sophia was born. I wanted a little sister so I could play with her and not be lonely all the time. It was May of 2009 the 24th. I just arrived at the hospital to see my mom and my baby sister. They told us that she was a healthy baby and we are a wonderful family. I had everything planned out for a four-year-old. We would share a room, we would wear the same outfits, and even do each other's hair. But when we brought Sophia to my Grandma and popos house, She looked totally fine. When it was time for her to eat she wouldn't and we noticed that she wasn't breathing.  We called an ambulance, in the meantime my dad was doing CPR on her. That day she died. We didn't know why I was so young I didn't know what happened. In November of 2007, we found out that my sister had medium-chain acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase or MCAD. She cant metabolize medium-chain fats. It should be diagnosed when you're a baby if you have it and it needs to be treated very fast so they can live. The doctors decided that should get tested as well to see if I have it. So we went in they said they should get back in three months. In December of 2007, Christmas day I didn't wake up when my mom came to wake me up for Christmas day. She tried everything and nothing would work. She got me in the car and drove me to the hospital in Leduc, Alberta. They jabbed the end of a pen into my foot and I didn't move. The nurse started calling codes and took me out of my mom's arms. When my mom gave them a protocol letter that the doctors gave us just in case if I had it and no one knew what to do. They put me in an ambulance and making their way to the Stollery Children's Hospital in Edmonton. When we were halfway to the hospital when I woke up.  I didn't know what was happening, I asked the paramedic "Am I going to die?". The paramedic didn't know if I was going to die, so he gave me a teddy bear because I was a good patient and I felt myself going unconscious again.

A/N I hope this chapter was good. I feel like I'm such a bad writer and this is my first book. I know I have a lot of information in this chapter but I went through it as a kid and still there are times where I want to give up but I know I can keep on going. I know some of my readers go through hard times also if you need someone to talk to I'm here to listen, just message me and I will message back.

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