Chapter 5: Why do I have to have surgery

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When my parents found out that the NG tube worked they spoke to my doctor and she said let's get her into surgery for a G-tube. I didn't know what that meant, was it fun? Are there going to be a lot of people around? those were some of the questions I was thinking at the time.

When my parents explained that I was getting a surgery for a G-tube because I need overnight feeds with a special formula so I can survive without eating and getting it through my stomach instead of waking up to eat halfway through the night. (i would show you a picture except some of the pictures I found from google are from right after surgery and I don't want people to be uncomfortable. So if you want to see a picture look it up).

Trying to get IVs into me was not so easy. My veins are so tiny that they wouldn't pop out and whenever we got an IV, the vein would blow in about 45 minutes. The fluid I have to get is 12.5 dextrose (aka sugar) with KCl (Potassium Chloride), it's very hard on my veins because we have to put the rate on at 180. I had about 24 tries until we found a vein to put the Iv in.

I was ready to go to surgery nervous, excited (I don't know why) I guess mixed emotions all around. I have to go in the night before because I can't fast. So the next day wasn't as bad because they told me what was going to happen during surgery. 


I come back from the Recovery room and I feel all loopy I didn't know why. The Nurses and Doctors were asking me how I felt and I said a bit sore and dizzy then I threw up.  I didn't know what happened to me I was fine one minute and not the next. 

The Surgeon finally came in and said that the surgery went well and that I should have this G-Tube for a long time. I was so worried what other people would think about me after, everyone knew I had an NG-tube and I was scared of what they would think of me now. 

A/N: I am so sorry I haven't really got the chance to update I have been really busy getting ready for school even though I don't go back till the 4th of September. I hope you liked this chapter!!

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