Chapter 4: Why was I different from everyone else

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When people looked at me different they thought I was a monster, I was 6 at the time but I didn't know why everyone thought that. I might have been a bit weird because I was gone all the time, I smelled like fish from my medicine I take and has to have an NG tube at school, But why can't people at least be nice to me. I never asked to be bullied. Its hard not thinking that I am the problem of why I am getting bullied. Get called fishy every day, people running away because I could be "contagious to them" even though I wasn't contagious they ran away anyway. I never really wanted to go to school anymore I was done with people. I couldn't be a normal child playing outside for recces instead I had to sit on the bench and try to occupy my self. Grade one was the hardest grade I had to go through with bulling me. I did make a friend at the time her name was Nessa. She was so nice to me, she didn't care that I was different from everyone else she was new and wanted a friend to play with them on the playground or in the field. 

A/N sorry that this update is so late. I have finals coming up soon then I'm done grade 10. I should hopefully have the next chapter up next week sometime. 

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