A\N: Recovering from surgery!

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Thank you for all the support I got and some of those people are                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The surgery went great from what they said. If you don't know what kind of surgery it is I will tell you now (because it will take a long time for me to get to that chapter) basically I have a permanent port (also called and IVAD) which acts as an IV under my skin. We had it in a bad place and wanted it moved to a better spot.  This is my 4th revision on it and hoping it doesn't flip like it did the first time. I am in a lot of pain if somebody asks on a scale of 1-10 it would be 112 (I mean it probably isn't that high but it feels like it). but I am home now and resting and so grateful that I have a lot of your guy's support and others support to. thank you so much I will hopefully have the next chapter up this week sometime (because all I'm doing is being relaxed and chilling at home for the week so yeah). 

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