Chapter 6: My Mom is Pregnant!

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When I got the news that my mom was going to have a baby I was jumping for joy. I wanted a sibling after Sophia died because I didn't want to be lonely at the time. I just really wanted a friend because I was in dance and I didn't have any friends yet and no one ever talked to me. I wanted a sibling to play with I mean I was 6 at the time. I wanted someone to protect and love forever.

When I went with my mom to the doctors, they put this jell on her tummy, and they put a stick on her tummy as well and the doctor was moving it around. My mom said we won't know if it would be a boy or girl until it came out of her tummy. Then all of a sudden the baby moves and shows us it's a boy. I was so excited I was getting a baby brother. We could have so much fun and play together.

My mom said he was going to be born around Halloween of  Oct 2009!!! I always thought he was excited to see me because when I sang to him he would kick my moms tummy. It was so cool to feel him kick.

My mom asked me one day what I wanted to name the baby and I said Prince Charming. I loved seeing Disney movies and thought that it was a good name for him.

A few days later my mom goes to the hospital and I didn't know why. I had to stay with my granny and papa at the time. The next day I went to go see my mom and saw that my brother was born but he was early a months early. September 8th, 2009 is when he was born and had to be in the NICU for 3 weeks of his life because he couldn't breath that well.

It was so cool to see my brother and hold him for the first time. He was so cute and small. I wasn't able to see him until he came home. But after a couple of weeks my parents came up with a name Cameron Nagel. I loved that name. They were able to come home on my birthday which was an amazing surprise.

I loved him with all my heart. I played with him for naps I would give him my blanket and he loved to drool on it. My mom always called me a best big sister ever.

A/N: Sorry it has been a while since I updated I have been getting mean comments at school and have been thinking of some bad stuff. I've had thought that come in my mind to cut my self to get release and I haven't but it hard to stop thinking about it. I have been dealing with this for 5 years. I'm sorry I haven't been updating frequently like I said I would do. I hope you liked this chapter.

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