A\N: Important!

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I know I promised you guys that I would update the chapter by last week and it didn't happen I was planning on finishing the chapter tonight. It won't get published because last night my school went to our local theatre to watch a play. At intermission I started to get shaky it felt like I was in pain. I was crashing last night, I didn't have enough sugar in last night before the show and My teacher had to call my mom to talk to me and tell me to take deep breaths and to eat glucose tablets. I did recognize my signs of crashing which is a huge step up from where I was last year. I am going to monitor my self very closely for the next couple of days so it doesn't happen again. It was hot in the theatre and that also makes me crash too. I am so sorry that I haven't updated. I will try to be more frequent. It was a long night because of what happened. I was scared I didn't know what was happening to me when I crashed,  but that's how my MCAD works. 

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