II : Small-Talk

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A/N: Time for some fluff, my children! Come, come! It's story time!


Steven warped back to the beach house after the battle. He noticed Connie was sitting outside on one of the steps of the staircase.
He opened the screen door, "Connie?" He closed the door behind him once he walked outside, sitting beside her. "I thought you went back home?" She looked over at him. "I was going to, but... I changed my mind. Where are the Gems?" "They're still on the mission. Apparently some giant gem appeared and Garnet told me to flee." "Oh,"
The two sat there quietly, enjoying the soft breeze of the beach. "Nice day out." Steven spoke over the silence with a smile. Connie grinned shyly. "Yeah." They stared at the sunset that appeared before them.
Steven's smile faded as he took a glance over at Connie. He hesitated, "Connie... do you... do you forgive me?" Connie looked over at him curiously. "Forgive you? For what?" He looked down embarrassingly. "For leaving you..." he mumbled. Connie only smiled softly, resting her hand on his. "All's been forgiven, Steven. You don't need to worry about it anymore." Steven looked back at her, a slight blush appearing on his cheeks. "Are you sure?" "Yes, I'm definitely sure."
Steven took a quick glance down. "Okay..." Connie looked down at him, a concerned expression on her face. She gripped his hand slightly tighter, "Hey..." He looked up at her. Connie made a small smile. "Try not to think about it too much." She kissed his forehead. She got up, leaving Steven frozen in place, red faced. She found it cute, silently giggling to herself. "I'm going home. Bye, Steven!" She walked off.

.•Am I Still Your Universe?•. {A Steven x Connie Story}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat