X : Alone

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A/N: Okay, there is going to be a slight change in the story. Connie is going to be depressed for a while. Fun, right? If you know me well enough, you should know that I am the definition of edge and depression. This won't be in here for a long time, though! This'll be just for a few chapters and done!
Also I really like this song so I'm just going to leave it there. You can listen to it if you'd like.

      Connie was the first to wake up, finding herself under Steven's arm. She carefully set his arm away, jumping off the bed. She looked down at the sleeping boy, her heart filled with regret and sadness. She walked downstairs, walking out the door, leaving Steven alone in the house.
      Connie sighed once she made it to the sandy flooring. She looked up at the sky, noticing that the stars were still out against the dawn light of the sun. She gave one glance at the beach house before heading out fully.

      Steven woke up, feeling nothing against him. He quickly sat up, "Connie?" With a quick search around the room, worry shot him in the chest. He jumped to his feet, grabbing his shoes and sprinting out the door. The sun shone brightly, showing it was close to noon. Where is she? Did she leave?... Or did she get stolen?!
      Steven ran as fast as he could to her house, knocking on the door. Nothing happened. He groaned curiously. He sprinted to the side of her house, finding the window to Connie's room. It was open, with Connie's face shown. She was peacefully looking outside the window, the wind from outside blowing through her hair.
      "Connie!" He called to the girl. Connie looked down from her window, spotting Steven. Her expression went from shock to depressed, walking back into her room. Steven jumped up to her window, sitting at the edge of it. He found Connie sitting on the end of her bed, facing away from the window. "Go away..." Connie said without turning around.
      Steven didn't listen to her order, crawling inside her room. "Connie... what's wrong?" "You want to know what's wrong, Steven?" She spoke, still faced away. "I am. I am wrong. I'm a disgrace- I'm just... a stupid idiot." She was hunched down, her hair covering her face. Steven walked over to her, worry pasted all over his face. "Connie... don't say that... please. You're perfect."
      "Yeah, to you I'm perfect. Not to anyone else. Not to me." She looked up, her face wet and her eyes red. Steven immediately assumed she was crying. "Connie, no! Don't give me any of that!" "Oh really? What'd you expect from me? At school I'm the nerd that no one loves! At home I'm treated like a child!" She interrupted, her eyes dark.
      "And what about when you're with me, huh?" Steven shouted, "How are you treated then?" Connie held his gaze, saying nothing. She shook her head, looking down. "That's the problem, Steven! The only times I can ever be myself is when I'm with you! Why do you think I lie to my parents? I'm scared of them! I'm scared of what they're going to do if I make one wrong breath! I-I feel like... you're the only one that truly loves me..." Connie stared at the floor, tears falling from her cheeks. "I... I just..." Her throat felt tight as she spoke, "I feel so alone..." She fell down, covering her eyes with her hands.
      Steven fell down to his knees next to her, resting his hands on her back and shoulders. "I'm just... so... so weak. I can't do anything right..." she mumbled through her sobbing. Steven lifted her chin up, showing her soaked face. He kissed her, closing his eyes lovingly. Once pulling back, he looked down at her, "Connie... it's okay to feel alone. Just know that I'm always here... even though it feels like no one is there... you're really not alone." He smiled softly.
      Connie blushed with embarrassment, narrowing her eyes at the young teen. She jumped up at him, hugging him tightly. Steven hugged her back, digging his face into her neck. She cried quietly, tugging at his sleeve as her eyes were shut tightly.

"I'm here..."

      The two stared up at the sky, watching the clouds above them. Connie snuck her hand to grasp onto Steven's. Unsurprisingly, he didn't mind it. He took her hand in return, smiling over at her lovingly. Connie smiled back before looking up at the sky again. "This is... nice. Thank you." "Anything for you," Steven said, kissing her cheek.
      Connie sat up, leaving Steven curious.  "I just have to go for a bit... don't worry. Is it fine if I can go home? I want to go sleep for a bit." "Well, yeah, you can. But why can't you sleep in the temple?" Steven sat up as well. "Well, er, I just want to sleep in my bed. So I can feel like everything is back to normal." "Oh. Okay, sure. Go ahead." Steven smiled. Connie gave him a smile in return, "See you tomorrow." "See you then, love."

That night, Connie looked down at the small pellets of blood that lay on her desk. She sighed, grabbing something to wrap her arms around with. Hopefully no one will notice the action she just made.

A/N: Something tells me I have a problem I need to work out. Anyways, I won't be here for a while because I'll be in Tennessee. I'll be back Saturday. Goodbye for now, everyone!
~ Artsy <3

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