IX : Nothing Is What It Seems

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A/N: Yes, I am a huge dork for DEH. If you never heard of it, you're missing out. Here's a song above that fits this chapter a little!

      "CONNIE! NO! STAY AWAY FROM THEM! IT'S A TRAP!" Steven yelled, sprinting to Connie. She was walking up to her "parents" which Steven has noticed that they were aliens. Not literal aliens with UFOs, but some creatures that seem to be similar to Homeworld's monsters. Steven flung his shield at the two "parents," causing them to flop onto the ground wailing. "STEVEN! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?" She yelped at him, anger filled her eyes. She growled, lunging at Steven with full force, almost knocking Steven over. "Connie! I don't want to fight you! Please stop it! They've controlled your thoughts!" Tears filled the the tips of the boy's eyes.
Connie pulled out her sword, clutching onto it as she stared at Steven's every move. She leaped, aiming for his skull with the sharp oversized blade. Luckily, Steven dodged in time, a quick sigh of relief escaping his mouth. The sword was stuck in the ground of how heavily she swung it. Connie grunted as she desperately yanked at the sword's handle.

(A/N: Okay this is going to be really cheesey lmao)

Steven watched sorrowfully at Connie. This isn't like her! She'd never hurt me... or... An idea came to mind like that. Maybe I have to kiss her out of the spell? Like in the movies! It's not like she's going to yell at me... He looked back and forth as he thought. With a final sigh, he thought, It's worth a shot.

(A/N: Steven's not throwing away his shot! Hamilton anyone? No? oKaY I'LL LeAVe-)

Connie has already sprung into action, the sword out of the earth floor. She pounced, slicing at each aim she got. Steven managed to dodge every slice and attack, leaving the boy feeling luckier than ever. At the perfect swing, Connie sliced downwards, her sword being aimed at the flooring once again.
As if everything were in slow motion, Steven swiftly brought himself up to kiss her, hushing her almost immediately. Connie's eyes widened, her expression confused and disgusted. Not for too long, she finally snapped back into reality, her eyes showing realization.
      He pulled back, putting his arm over his head defensively, his eyes shut tightly as he waited for her to punch him. She looked down at his clothes, noticing how untidy and scratched up they were. "Steven, what happened? Who did this to you?" Steven sighed thankfully, wrapping his arms around the real Connie. She sat there confused. "It's a long story... I'll tell you later. For now..." he turned his head to the now gremlin-looking adults.
"W-Wait... is that my mom and dad?!" She gasped, her voice shaken. "No, they were aliens that were pretending to be your parents so they could drag you into their trap!" Steven looked at her determinedly. "Get your sword."

//Too lazy to write a full-on battle, so sorry m8's//

      The two panted, green blood-like liquid sprayed onto their clothes, most likely staining them. Connie fell to her knees. "If they weren't my parents..." she looked up to the sky, her expression pained and depressed, "...then where are they?" Steven walked up to her, resting a hand on her shoulder. She smacked it away, immediately getting to her feet.
      "How do I know that you're not a fake?! How'd you know they weren't my parents in the first place?! Are you trying to possess me like everyone else did?!" She gritted her teeth, her spread hands forming into clutching fists. "Connie, I-" "NO! Don't start with me 'Steven!' Or should I even call you that? You might be one of the alien things but how could I know? I'm just a weak bookworm that's in love with a strong, cute boy who seems to be my only way out of expressing my actual feelings! Of course I'm not going to even lay a scratch on you if you were evil or not!" She stopped rambling, realizing her words. Her face turned a deep scarlet, tiny pellets of sweat rested on her forehead. "I-I- uh..." Connie gripped onto her arm with embarrassment.
      "Connie... it's me. I'm really Steven." Steven grabbed onto her arm softly once he reached to her. "You're my jam bud, my strawberry. My whole world, my everything..." He looked up at her, "My love." Connie looked down at him, returning the gaze. "I'm... sorry. I was being silly, I..." she let out a sigh. "I'm just really stressed about everything around me... I'm even stressed about you... and how you always are there. I'm scared you might get hurt or..." She stopped, her breathing slowed instantly. "Die."
      "Connie, I will always be there for you, of course... but I will try my hardest of not to... er... you know." He gave a miniature nervous smile. Connie returned the smile, looking down as she attempted to hide a blush. "Come on." He reached out his hand to her, "Let's go."

"Hey Steven..."
"... Can I... stay at your place for a while?"
"Of course."

      "Is this comfy enough?" Steven said after making Connie's bed on the couch. She looked down at it, feeling it. Connie turned to him with a nod and a smile. "Good. Now," He kissed her cheek before jumping up the stairs to his bed, "Goodnight!" Connie let out a small giggle, "Goodnight,"

      There was a loud crash of thunder outside, perfectly timed as soon as Connie jumped up from her pillow in a cold sweat. She was panting, looking around frantically. She jumped to her feet, looking over the edge of the floor once she used the couch to pull her up. She let out a sigh of relief when seeing a small boy sleeping soundly under the covers. Another crash was heard, causing Connie to whimper, huddling herself with her legs as she lay on the couch.
      Steven heard the crash, waking up slowly. Once he heard a whimper, he crawled out of bed and looked below to see Connie curled up in a ball-like form. He walked downstairs, reaching to her. Steven picked Connie up, causing Connie to jump out of her skin. She relaxed once noticing it was only Steven. He rested her down in his bed, pulling the covers over her.
      He began to walk away until something grabbed his wrist. Turning around, Connie was staring desperately into his eyes. She sat up, shoving the covers down, and patting the spot next to her. "Please?" She mumbled tiredly. Steven nodded, crawling into bed with her, and covering himself with the covers. Without thinking, Connie hurled herself on his chest, cuddling into him. Of course, Steven didn't mind this. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer.
      He kissed her forehead. "You're safe." He mumbled with closed eyes. Connie grinned, kissing what she could, which was mostly his chin. "Thank you..." And just like that, they fell asleep.

.•Am I Still Your Universe?•. {A Steven x Connie Story}Where stories live. Discover now