VI : Regret

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Connie hasn't responded in four days now. Steven started getting overly worried. He lay on his bed, face upwards towards the ceiling. It was because of the mission... I caused this. This was all my fault, no doubt about it.
The warp pad activated, snapping Steven from his thoughts. He didn't lift his head. "Hey, buddy." The familiar voice of Amethyst spoke. He didn't respond. "... How's Connie doing? Has she talked to you yet?" "No." He said simply. Amethyst rubbed the back of her neck.
Walking up the stairs to his bedroom, Amethyst rested her hand on her hip. "Come on, Steven. I hate seeing you like this." She brushed her hair behind her forehead. Looking back down at him, she said, "Hey. Let's go to Connie's. It's been long enough." Steven tilted his head, making eye contact with her. His eyes were tired; slightly red from crying most likely.
"Come on," she said cheerfully. "Let's get the real Steven back." Steven sat up, nodding gently.

Amethyst knocked on their door. It took a few moments until Connie's mother opened the door. "What are you here for? To injure my daughter even more? You've done enough." She said sternly. Steven flinched, speaking up quickly, "N-No, wait! Please... I want to see her." "Yeah, come on! They are friends after all! Give him a chance at least!" Amethyst urged.
Mrs. Maheswaran glared at the two. "No! What do you think? I'm going to let you see my daughter at such a state? Leave." She shut the door. Steven looked down broken-hearted. Amethyst lightly placed her palm on his shoulder. "Give it time... if nothing changes, I'll be the one who'll change it." "No, no. It's fine," Steven said, glancing over at Amethyst. "I have an idea."


     There was a soft knock on Connie's window. Connie groaned, sitting up from her bed. She stood up, searching her room for the sudden noise. There was another few knocks. She noticed something at the window, opening it.
"Steven?" She said tiredly. "What are you doing here?" He crawled into her room. "Well... I haven't heard from you in a while after the mission and I got really worried..." Connie nodded after a short yawn. "Yeah... sorry. After my mom heard what happened, she took my phone away. She... didn't want me talking to you." She gripped her arm, looking down sadly.
Steven looked down as well with a sigh. He looked back up at her, "I- I'm sorry. Augh! This is all my fault- I dragged you into this!" Connie looked up at him once he said, "Why do you love a clumsy idiot like me?"

No... you're not the idiot...

"Steven, don't say that about yourself! I love you for who you are, and you're not an idiot! You're a happy, cheerful boy who keeps trying although of the people out there who are trying to get you for something that you would never do!" Connie said, full-heartedly. Steven blushed slightly, as for no one has ever told him such things before. He shook his head.
"Connie, no. I'm not any of those things. I abandoned you all, letting the Diamonds take me. I risked it for you, but all I really did was hurt everyone at the end." Connie's expression changed slightly, to a more serious look. "Yes, you did. But you fixed all of those problems like that!" "Is that so? What about Lapis and Peridot? Lapis left to space with literally the whole barn! Now Peridot is torn to pieces!" "Well, that's Peridot's problem, not yours!"
Steven came front to her. "Every friend's problem is mine as well." He said sternly. Connie held his strict gaze. She grabbed his shirt by the collar, forcing their lips to conjoin. "Mmph!" Steven muffled. He was going to pull back, but Connie tilted her head to deepen the kiss, with Steven slowly drowning in her love.
     Connie pulled back, leaving Steven in awe. She rested a hand on his cheek. "Listen to me. You are perfect to me. Stop regretting yourself of every step you take." Steven didn't say anything, only staring into her eyes as she continued. "Everyone loves you- I love you. But there's one person in this world that doesn't."


     Steven looked down, grabbing her hand that rested on his cheek. "I... I guess you're right." She nodded. "Of course I'm right. Just because some gems want you practically dead doesn't mean you have to be so down on yourself." She stared at him with pleasing eyes, "Please stop hurting yourself. If you hurt yourself, you're also hurting others."
     Steven hesitated, nodding shortly after. "I won't. I promise... my Connie." He teased with a smile. Connie rolled her eyes, hiding her smile.

The two sat there for a few hours, laughing and talking...
That is until the garage door opened.

     Steven practically jumped out of his skin, quickly jumping to his feet. "I should get going. Bye, Strawberry." He blew a kiss. Connie pretended to grab it, setting it on her chest. "I'll keep this locked in my heart." She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before he hopped out of her window, sprinting back to his home.

.:The Beach House:.

     Steven lay down on his bed, sighing happily. Amethyst noticed this almost immediately. "I'm guessing everything went fine at Connie's?" "Everything went perfectly." He smiled ear-to-ear. Amethyst smiled, "Nice, dude. You really showed me that you can push yourself." She hopped upstairs, ruffling his puffy hair. Steven giggled, blushing with embarrassment.

.:Connie's House:.

"Connie!" The young preteen's mother called from downstairs. "Come down here, I would like to speak with you!" Connie stood up away from her window, anxiety flooding over her like a tsunami.
She walked downstairs to be greeted by her mom. "Yes, mom?" Dr. Maheswaran sighed. "Your father and I have been talking, and... since you're feeling better, and Steven has patched you up before... you may go see him again."
     Connie gasped happily. "R-Really?" "But don't take this too lightly!" Her mother added, "I'm still not fully aware of that boy and what he does with you." Connie didn't care of what her mother said at that point, she was overjoyed to have the privilege to talk to her friend without hiding.
     "Here's your phone back, dear." She handed her daughter the device. Connie grabbed it, dipping her head politely. She walked upstairs calmly, showing her mother she wasn't too happy.
     Once her mother was out of sight, Connie raced to her room, her heart thumping with excitement. She immediately texted Steven.

{S= Steven; C= Connie}

C: Hey Steven!
S: You got your phone back?! :o
C: Yeah! I'm so happy! She gave me the privilege to see you again! We don't need to keep anymore secrets!
S: Awesome! ^_^
C: See you tomorrow <3
S: See you then <3 <3


     Connie sighed happily, her cheeks warm as she saw the hearts he sent. Her mouth went wavey for a few moments before she grabbed a pillow, burying her face in it. She looked back up at her ceiling.

"See you soon..."

.•Am I Still Your Universe?•. {A Steven x Connie Story}Where stories live. Discover now