IV : The Mission Part I

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A/N: I hope y'all enjoyed that last chapter ;)
Okay, okay! No more talking! Let's continue onwards.

.:Monday Morning:.


Connie woke up with a groan. Another day of school, here I come. She stood up, stretching. Her mother then came into her room, seeming like she were in a rush. "Okay, Connie. I'm headed off to work early. Get to school on time. Do you understand?" Connie nodded, finally waking up. "Yes, ma'am." "Good." Dr. Maheswaran bent down, hugging her daughter. "Have a good day, hun." And like that, she zipped away.

Connie picked up her phone, being greeted with a notification showing Steven's text. She immediately picked it up, reading it.

{S= Steven; C= Connie}

S: Good morning Strawberry! <3
C: Morning, Biscuit. Why are you up so early? You never wake at this time.
S: Randomly woke up. It gave me the chance to chat with you before you go to school!
C: <3
C: Anything new happening?
S: No. But Garnet did tell me that she has a mission for us.
C: Really? Cool! I have school though...
S: Yeah, I know. She said we can do it Friday if it's fine with you.
C: Yeah, that's perfect. I got to go, see you! <3
S: See you after school <3


Connie blushed, smiling shyly as she went back to reread Steven's previous texts. He's too sweet! She snapped out of her thoughts once taking a glance at the time.

And off to another day of school...

.:After School:.

Connie quickly hopped off of the bus, heading home. Once she got into her room, she took off her overweighted backpack, a relief of fresh air spilling through her back comfortingly. She shuffled through her backpack, taking out her Math, Science, and History homework. She sighed tiredly, picking up a pencil.

Hours passed, day becoming dusk, minutes becoming hours. Connie was busy studying her History homework.

*Knock, knock, knock*
Connie looked up from her paper, surprised how early her mother or father came home. Once she noticed that no one was at the door, she heard the noise come a few more times.
     *Knock, knock, knock*
She looked at her window, noticing a familiar figure lurking outside the glass door. She opened it, revealing Steven. He crawled in without a slight struggle.
"Steven? What are you doing here? And... why didn't you use the front door?" "It's because I want this story to be more cliché and cheesy." Connie shut the window, not wanting the cool air to chill her room to the brim. "Okay... well... what are you doing here, then? Shouldn't you be home, doing missions or playing games?" She gripped her arm softly. Steven smiled, "What, I can't visit my favorite girl?" Connie blushed. "Well... of course you can..." He kissed her cheek. "Then let me visit her."
     She looked down, saying a bit hesitant, "Just.... why are you here, though? Other than seeing me." Steven sat down on the floor, rubbing the back of his head. "I... I was just bored. And I thought we could hang out for a bit before your parents come home." Connie nodded slowly, understanding.
     He looked up at her, "Well... what do you want to do first?" She sat down next to him, crisscrossing her legs. She shrugged. "I'm not sure..." "Hmm..." Steven thought. He gasped once he had an idea. Stars in his eyes, he spoke, "Want to go on the mission early?" Connie looked over at him, a bit nervous. "Well... if we won't turn out hurt... then yes." Steven smiled brightly. "Yes! Let's go!" He grabbed her hand, running out the door.

They made it to the warp pad once they got to the beach house. Lion was there as well, joining the two kids. "You got your sword?" Steven asked. Connie nodded, gripping Rose's Sword.
     Steven warped them to a rather familiar place. "Is this... the Kindergarten? I thought it would be somewhere like that one island you, Lars, and Sadie were at." Steven shrugged. "Garnet said there was some corrupted gem that lives here." "Oh, okay. I hope this won't be too hard." Lion was the first to walk off, Steven and Connie chasing after Lion.
     "Where do you think it is?" Connie asked under her breath, careful not too make to much noise. Steven lowered his voice as well. "I'm... not sure."
     There was a sudden growl from Lion as the giant pink creature stopped his tracks. Connie gripped the oversized sword, aiming it at whatever Lion was glaring at. Steven summoned his shield, bracing himself. Walking towards the shadow from ahead, Steven's breath was bare.
     The shadow jumped onto Steven without warning, immediately leaving a scratched mark below his eye. Steven yelped, pushing the monster away from his shield. Connie jumped in, stepping in front of Steven defensively. Blood poured from Steven's scratch, the injury stinging, causing Steven to wince. Connie quickly noticed this. "Are you oka-" "I'll be fine! It's just a small cut," She nodded her head confidently after giving him a worried look. She turned back to the creature, bracing her sword. Her eyes watched the shadow carefully, every inch of movement it made.
The shadow charged at Connie, causing Connie to quickly defend herself, slicing the sword at its side. The monster screeched, falling backwards. It fled into the shadowy dark parts of the Kindergarten. "I almost had it!" Connie argued with herself. She turned her attention towards Steven. "Need help with that?" Steven nodded, "Yes please."
As Connie reached into his Cheeseburger Backpack, the monster lunged onto Connie without an alarm. "CONNIE!"


A/N: Hehehehe cliffhanger because I'm evil. C:<

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