VII : Missing Part I

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Also shoutout to RainyDayDreams for giving me the idea!

Here's a link to her profile!


.:Sunday Morning:.

Connie woke up, stretching sleepily. She took a glance over at her clock. 12:37. Oh yeah... Steven and I chatted all night. She smiled, remembering how Steven and her texted each other all night until 3 AM, before Connie fell asleep.
     She took out her phone, getting out her messages app. The last text was:

"I'm guessing you're asleep. Sweet dreams, Strawberry ~ <3"

     Connie blushed with embarrassment, knowing that she fell asleep in the middle of their conversation. She decided to text him, knowing that he was most likely awake.

<<Y'all know the drill>>
{S= Steven; C= Connie}

C: Good morning!
S: Morning, sunshine ;)
C: Sorry I fell asleep during the chat
S: It's fine
S: Soo... what are you up to?
C: Nothing much. Just kind of woke up.
S: You're not going to school tomorrow, right?
C: Yeah, it's a three day weekend!
S: Awesome!
S: So, you're coming over today?
C: Yup! Just let me get dressed
S: Ok, see you
C: See you


      Connie jumped out of her bed, swiftly yanking her clothes on. She skidded downstairs, seeing her mom missing. She shrugged it off, assuming it must have been an emergency in the hospital she worked at. She made a piece of toast, carrying it in her mouth as she ran to Steven's.

      There was a knock on the door, causing Steven to hop up and rush to the door. He opened it to find the familiar face of his Jam Bud. "Connie!" He exclaimed, hugging her. She smiled, returning the hug shyly.
He pulled away, grabbing onto her shoulders. "Did you run all the way over here? You should have told me- I would've grabbed Lion for you!" She smiled, grabbing onto his arms lightly. "It's fine, it's fine!" She kissed his cheek, "You worry too much."
"Well, I'm your boyfriend. What else should I do? Not care?" Steven pointed out without hesitation. Connie shrugged, "Yeah, I guess you're right." "Of course I'm right! Now, let's go for a swim to cool off." Connie smiled with a nod.

     They headed outside, Steven in his shorts without a shirt, his Rose Quartz gem shown gratefully. Connie was in one of her tank tops and her shortest shorts. She had her hair tied in a tight, fluffy ponytail.
     Steven practically dragged Connie into the water from outside. "Steven!" She giggled. He swam closer into the water, hand in hand with her. "Whaaat?" He smiled broadly. Steven grabbed her other hand, facing her towards him. He gave a small smirk before leaning over to kiss her. She kissed back, resting her hand on the back of his head, letting her fingers flow through his curly hair. She pulled back, causing Steven to slowly lean forward a tad bit, his eyes still shut and his lips still in movement. He opened his eyes, blushing with embarrassment as Connie snickered at him.

\\Time skip because apparently I haven't uploaded this in forever so I have absolutely no time to write that much//

     Connie sighed once she got back home, her heart filled with lust. "Mom! I'm hooome!" She called. No respond. Connie started getting concerned. That's strange... she's always home at 6. But then she looked over at the time, thinking once more. And then again, if she was here, I would've been yelled at.



Oof I think 580 words should be enough!... for now... "._.

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