V : The Mission Part II

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Steven screamed. Quickly jumping to his feet, he shoves the shadowy figure off of the young girl. He summoned his bubble immediately, falling to his knees as he lifted Connie's head. "C-Connie! Oh my gosh, are you okay?" His eyes flooded with fear, looking down at her blood-covered face.
Connie groaned, sitting up. She placed her hand on her forehead, wincing. She lowered her hand, looking at it with a horrified expression. Steven's eyes widened, "Connie, I-I'm so sorry! This was all my fault... I..." "It's fine... l-let's just head back so I can heal..." Steven stood up, grabbing her in his arms. "O-Okay, I got you,"
     Before Steven could roll away, the creature was back, knocking the bubble with a rough force, causing Steven to fall over. Steven quickly positioned himself so Connie would land safely onto his body.
Steven growled angrily, popping his bubble. He surrounded a bubble around Connie and only her, charging after the creature. The creature charged, causing Steven to immediately summon his shield. He grunted, forcefully shoving the creature into one of the walls in the lifeless area.
The shadow whimpered, getting up shakily. Steven responded by crashing into the figure furiously. The creature didn't poof, only attacking back wearily.
The figure managed to give the boy a few bruises and battle scars. With one final attack, the creature finally poofed. Steven sighed thankfully, limping to its gem and bubbling it, sending it to the temple.
He walked over to Connie, popping the bubble that surrounded her, and picking her up. Connie quietly whimpered, causing Steven to hurry his pace to the warp pad.

They made it back to the beach house, Steven setting Connie down on the couch carefully. He grabbed his Cheeseburger Backpack, grabbing some aid supplies he placed inside it. He hobbled back to Connie, bandaging her injuries.
Connie woke up with a groan. "S...Steven?" Steven made a small sigh of relief. "I'm here," he said softly, nuzzling his nose with her's. She smiled softly, grabbing his arm, hugging it gently. Steven smiled, sitting down next to her to kiss her forehead carefully.
"I'm sorry..." he said sorrowfully. "It was my fault of getting you hurt." Connie had her eyes closed. "It's fine," she croaked. "At least you got me out in time."
Lifting her head, she looked at his body. "Did you bandage yourself?" He shook his head. "No." She lowered her head back down on the couch. She looked up at him with worried eyes. "Steven... why won't you help yourself? Stop worrying about me if you're just going to hurt yourself..."
Steven looked down, slightly embarrassed. "I just... want to see if you're safe before I do something else." Connie looked down, burying her face into his arm.
Blushing brightly, she mumbled, "Steven?" "Yeah?" He responded softly. She hesitated before speaking. "I love you." Steven blushed, but smiled lovingly. "I love you, too."

     The warp pad activated, causing the two kids to practically jump out of their skins. Pearl gasped, "W- What happened to you two? Shouldn't Connie be home?" Garnet walked up to them, her three eyes landing on Steven through her shades. "Steven. Did you bring Connie to the Kindergarten?" Steven looked down selfishly. "M... Maybe..."
     Garnet took a glance over at Connie, seeing how she's bandaged up. She looked back down at Steven, seeing that his clothes were covered with blood. Nothing surrounded his injuries. Garnet sighed, rubbing her eyes from under her glasses.
"Steven, go wash up. I'll drop Connie off at her house." "N-No, wait! I want to see her get home safely..." Garnet hesitated, looking back at Pearl and Amethyst. Turning back at Steven, she nodded. "Change your clothes. We'll be heading out really soon." Steven nodded, running to his room to grab his clothes. He headed to the bathroom.

     On the drive back to Connie's, Steven and Connie sat quietly. Steven felt guilt flow throughout his body. It was my fault. I shouldn't be forgiven so easily.
     Greg stopped the van, looking back at the two. "Here we are. Steven, would you walk her?" Steven agreed, getting out of the van. He opened the door that Connie sat next to, helping her crawl out. "Thanks," Connie mumbled.
     Steven sighed, taking her hand as they walked towards her house. "Anything wrong?" Connie asked worriedly. Steven shook his head, "Oh, no. Everything's fine." They finally made it to her door.
     "Well... okay. See you tomorrow." Connie said. Steven nodded, turning his body back to the direction of his dad's van. "Wait!" Connie half-shouted. He turned his body back towards her. "Y-Yeah?"
     She leaned down, grabbing his shoulders into a kiss. Steven blushed brightly, kissing her back lightly. She pulled back, smiling shyly. "Bye, Steven." She said before closing the door. Steven smiled brightly as he walked back to the van.

.•Am I Still Your Universe?•. {A Steven x Connie Story}Where stories live. Discover now