III : The Picnic

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A/N: Shout out to my friend Rainy for helping me make half of this chapter! If you have QuizUp or Twitter, go follow her @RainyDayDreams (QuizUp), and @LittleBodyBigFanart (Twitter)! She's an amazing friend ❤️

Anyways- onto the story!

.:Saturday Morning:.

     Connie woke up, blinking the sleep from her eyes as she sat up. She yawned with a stretch, the sunlight from her window shined down onto her brown skin. She got up from her bed, making it to her closet, looking through her clothes. After a few moments, she picked out her short-sleeved sun shirt and short navy blue pants.
As she walked downstairs, her phone buzzed in her pocket. She took out the device, reading the message.
{S= Steven; C= Connie}

S: Hey Connie
C: Hi Steven
S: Are you free today?
C: Yes. What are you planning, Universe?
S: Oh nothing
S: Meet me at the lighthouse at 9
C: Okay

Connie put her phone back after looking at the time. It was currently 8:45. She ate breakfast, which lasted her five minutes. It gave her ten minutes to get to the destination Steven requested.

Connie edged up the giant hill, finding Steven halfway. He smiled brightly, "Yay! You came!" He walked over to her and hugged her. "Okay," he separated himself from the hug. "Now, I need you to close your eyes for me." Connie smiled, "Do I have to?" "Yes." "Okay, okay. They're closed." Steven smiled widely. "Okay! No peeking!" "I'm not!" She giggled as he lead her towards the top of the hill in a rush.
"Okay, stop right here." Steven ordered. She did as told, her eyes still shut. "Now open them!" Connie opened her eyes, spotting a small picnic before her. "What's all this?" She wondered with a slight chuckle between her sentence. Steven blushed, "It's just a little picnic I made for the two of us. I thought we could spend some time with each other for a while. Er... at least without anyone interrupting us." Connie smiled, blushing, "Aww, Steven! That's so sweet of you!" Steven couldn't help but smile back. He rubbed the back of his head embarrassingly. "It was nothing... Come on!" He grabbed her hand, skipping to the picnic blanket with Connie giggling close behind.
Connie and Steven sat down in front of each other. "How long have you been planning this?" She asked curiously. Steven shrugged, "Just a few hours." She made a small smile. "Well I think this is lovely." He blushed, smiling embarrassingly.

     They sat there for hours, chatting and making jokes. They both loved their time together. Lion even padded over to them and lay with them.

     Nighttime came, and the stars were brighter than ever. They were laying on Lion, looking up at the sky. "Whoa," they both said in unison. They both took glances at each other, giggling.
     "This is nice," Connie mumbled, loud enough for Steven to hear. Steven sighed happily, "Yeah, it is. I wish we had this much time with each other every day." "Yeah..." She agreed.
Connie grabbed Steven's hand without thinking, immediately regretting it after. Steven had not much of a reaction to it- only a simple smile as his cheeks glowed rose red. Scooting closer to Connie, Steven placed a kiss on her cheek. Her face burned a hot, scarlet red. Without saying a word, she cuddled into his chest. Steven smiled softly as he rested his hand on her back.
Right then and there, they fell asleep cuddling.
A/N: I'm feeling a little extra today. I was thinking of ending it here- but I think this is a bit too rushed + short. Also- Chapter II was rather short, I noticed, and I'm terribly sorry about that. I hope this will fix it.

.:Early In The Morning:.

Connie was the first to wake up, noticing how Steven's arm was wrapped around her body. She blushed brightly as memories flooded through her head about last night.
"Good morning, Connie." A voice caused her to shatter out of her thoughts. She noticed how Amethyst and Pearl stood there. Amethyst had a giant smirk on her face, while Pearl smiled innocently. Connie sat up easily, since Steven's arm was simply around her waist. Her face was bright red with embarrassment. "H-Hey, Amethyst, Pearl!" Pearl looked down at the young girl with concern. "Were you two outside all night? Oh, I hope you didn't catch anything." "Chill, P! I'm sure they're fine! Plus, they shared body heat." Amethyst elbowed Pearl's arm, causing Pearl to wince from the sudden force.
     Steven shuffled, waking up from the loud sounds surrounding him. He sat up, looking at the two gems that stood in front of him. He took a glance over at Connie, realizing the situation. His face turned bright red, the young teen trying to cover his flustered face.
"Good morning, Ste-man! Did you enjoy your night with your girlfriend?" She teased playfully. Steven groaned, "Amethyst!" Pearl glared at Amethyst. "Amethyst, you do this too much but never seem to get tired of it." The tall bird turned to the two kids. "How about we go back inside the house and eat a few snacks?"
Steven and Connie looked at each other with a smile, both standing up. "Race you!" Connie chimed playfully, immediately zipping off. "Hey! No fair!" Steven chuckled, running after her. Pearl and Amethyst walked back to the beach house as the kids ran.

"...Come on and share this jam with me!" The two sang the ending of their "Jam Buds" song in unison. They both started to giggle.
Connie rubbed the back of her neck, "It's a shame that I forgot to bring my violin... but with or without our instruments, we still sound good!" Steven smiled brightly. "Yeah! I totally agree!" He munched on his jam covered biscuit hungrily. "Steven, don't make a mess!" Pearl snapped from the kitchen. Steven quickly swallowed his mouthful. "Sorry, Pearl!" He got a napkin, wiping off the tiny splatters of strawberry jam from the wooden floor. Connie helped as well, even though she didn't make a single spot of a jam mess.
Once they were done eating, they went upstairs to Steven's room. Connie sat at the head of his bed as Steven searched for a movie to watch. "We could watch some Under the Knife. I have some seasons of it on DVD. Or we could watch Dogcopter IV. You can pick whichever." Steven picked up the two discs, showing them to her. She shrugged, "Dogcopter sounds nice. I haven't watched it in forever!" Steven chuckled, nodding in agreement. He picked up the disc from the DVD's box, putting it inside the TV. He sat down next to her after grabbing the blanket from his bed for them to lay on.

     It was in the afternoon, the kids were done watching movies. They lay on the floor, drawing and chatting. "Remember when Dogcopter did that one move on the robot? That was so skillful!" Steven laughed. Connie was laying on her back, her short, poofy hair spread across the floor. "I know, right? That was really clever as well,"
The boy chuckled, his smile soon fading slightly. "H-Hey, Connie?" Connie sat up from her position, laying down on her stomach so she could face him. "Yeah?" He looked down, a bit embarrassed. "When you... when you kissed my forehead... did that mean that you love me? I'm just wondering- it's been on my mind for a while." Connie blushed brightly, remembering the day she kissed his head.
     She looked down. "W-Well... yes..." "Then I'm going to assume this is okay to do." Steven suddenly said. Connie looked up to face him again, "Wait, wha-" He quickly leaned over, kissing her fully. Both their faces were both red, Connie frozen in place as Steven continued to kiss her. He pulled back after a few heartbeats. He looked at Connie's shocked expression. "O-Oh, Connie... I- I didn't mean to... I..." he lost his words over his embarrassment. Connie looked at him, becoming unfrozen. She grinned, softly putting her hand underneath his chin, raising his face to look at her. "It's fine." She said softly. She rested her hand on his cheek, causing Steven to blush brightly. Connie took her turn to lean over to kiss him.
     "OOH!" A voice said in a 'you're caught' tone. Steven and Connie quickly pulled away, both wide-eyed. They looked downstairs to see Amethyst with a giant smirk spread across her face. "Amethyst, would you ever leave us in peace for once?!" Steven barked. "Whoa, dude, chill!" Amethyst giggled. "I'm just here to have a good time." Connie took a glance at Steven, then back at Amethyst. "A 'good time?' To do what?" "Tease y'all." Amethyst grinned slyly. Steven groaned, burying his face into a pillow.

     Steven breathed in the salty ocean air. Connie was there, too, beside him. "Do you feel better without Amethyst around?" She wondered aloud. Steven only nodded. Connie laid her head on his shoulder, looking at the ocean waves before them. "This was a nice day, though..." Steven looked down at her, smiling softly. "Yeah, it was."

A/N: Whew! That took me literally half the day to write! At least I got it over with!

.•Am I Still Your Universe?•. {A Steven x Connie Story}Where stories live. Discover now