Chapter 3 Welcome Wolverine

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I don't know how long I was out probably only minutes.

But I'm better now so let's go find that guy and kick his ass.

I very cautiously follow his scent to my dad's office. I stand right outside the door eavesdropping before Kitty runs right through me.

"Oh hi Kitty," I greet.

"Hi Grace," she chimes and waves. Kitty can walk through stuff it's pretty cool.

Anyway I bust through the door very angry.

"Hello Grace I see you've met Wolverine," Dad says.

"Yes I got to know him very well when his claws were in my stomach," I snarl viciously.

"How are you not dead?" Wolverine demands.

"Same way you weren't when Jean brought you in," I snap back.

"So you heal like me," Wolverine concludes.

"Yes I do"

"Well Wolverine Rogue is alright and she's settling in nicely. You are at a school in Westchester New York for mutants children. Some get sent here by their parents others run here because they have no place else to go," dad explains reading Wolverine's mind and answered all his questions.

"Why am I here?" Wolverine asks.

"We believe Magneto wants you and we want to keep you here for safety and to find out what exactly Magneto wants with you," I answer.

"Whats a Magneto?"

"Magneto is an old friend of mine who believes in mutant superiority. He is willing to kill to get it," dad replies and a second of pain flashes across his face.

"Okay," Wolverine says.

"Now if you'll let Dr Jean Gray finish her examination then Grace will show you to your room," dad offers.

"Alright by the way it's Logan," Wolverine agrees and follows Jean out.

"So you think he's hot," dad comments as soon as they shut the door.

"DAD!" I exclaim.

"Sorry it was just very loud in your head." Dad smiles sheepishly. Sometimes he acts like a real child.

"Ugh," I grumble.

"Hey honey," mom greets as she walks in.

"Hello," dad and I chime.

"So Rogue is all settled in and has all her classes," mom reports.

"Thank you very much darling," dad murmurs and kisses her hand.

"No problem. Oh Grace how was the other mutant?" mom questions.

"Oh he's just so hot and he also stabbed me in the stomach," I reply sarcastically.

"Oh wow if that's how guys flirt these days," mom utters and shrugs. After a few seconds of silence we all crack up.

"Okay okay we have to go look at the results of Jeans tests," dad excuses. Mom nods and guides his wheelchair to the elevator.

"Wait where's Alieana? I haven't seen her since this morning," I inquire.

"She's in class," mom responds.

"Oh right why wouldn't she," I say and face palm.

The elevator dings and we all stroll into the lower levels.

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