Chapter 12 Near Death

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Sabertooth is watching us closely.

"Okay here goes nothing," Logan grumbles and let's his claws out. They stab him through the chest and cut the metal holding him. Logan falls to the ground looking dead.

"LOGAN," I shout and struggle more. Sabertooth bends down to check on Logan when Logan jumps up and stabs Saber tooth through the stomach. "Yeah get him Logan!" I cheer. Logan tackles Saber tooth out of the Statue of Liberty's head and I can't see them anymore.

After 8 agonizing minutes Logan appears holding Scott's goggles.

"Missing something," Logan asks and holds them up smirking. Jean levitates them to Scott's face right when Saber tooth comes up from behind Logan.

"Scott when I say open your eyes," Jean tells him.

"No I'll hurt you," Scott refuses.

"Scott trust me...NOW!" she demands and Scott opens his eyes. The beam reflects off his goggles and hits Sabertooth square in the chest sending him flying.

"Bulls eye," I remark.

Logan uses his claws and cuts us all free.

"Better now?" Logan asks me.

"Yes thank you," I reply and shake my limbs.

But Rogue is strapped to a twisting machine and screaming. It is killing her!!

"We need to shut that down before it kills her!!" Logan and I snap frantically.

"I have an idea! Listen up!" I shout and everyone turns to me. "Storm could you make enough wind to carry Logan up to the machine?"

"Yes but it would be unpredictable and he might not make it," Storm responds and nods.

"Then Jean can steady him with her powers," Scott adds.

"Okay everyone hang on to something," Storm warns then her eyes turn white and winds starts whipping around us. The wind gets stronger and stronger till Logan is lifted up. Then Jean holds up her hand and steadies him as he flies to the machine.

"Can you send another person up?" I talk over the wind.

"Yes," Jean and Storm answer. So I let go of the bar I was holding onto and let the wind take me up. I see Logan latch into the top of the machine. Logan then forcefully pushes himself down and makes a move to slice the two posts holding Rogue in place when he freezes.

Magneto has him under control but he couldn't control me. I lunge forward claws extended and slash at the machine only to scream in pain when my bone claws brake. Magneto laughs at the situation and Scott takes his chance to shoot him. Logan instantly spins and slashes the machine with his nice shiny unbreakable claws and breaks it. The machine stops spinning and Rogue collapses to the ground.

"Rogue!" I exclaim Together Logan and I drop to the ground Jean no longer holding us up. Logan gets to her first and picks her up ripping his gloves off with his teeth and pressing his hand to her cheek. I surge forward and press my own hand to her other cheek. Nothing happens she remains lifeless.

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry," Logan cries and pulls her body close.

"Rogue come on! Wake up!" I beg tears pricking at my eyes. I barely notice it at first but suddenly Rogue gasps to life and I start to feel my power leaving me. Logan chokes and falls to the ground his wounds resurfacing. Then mine start too. I double over when my rib breaks and all the bruises reveal themselves again.

"Agh," I groan.

"Logan Grace! I'm sorry!" Rogue apologizes.

"Wasnt your fault Rogue your safe now we're safe," I mumble.

"Hang on guys we're coming," Storm calls up.

"Come quickly I think Logan's dying!" Rogue shouts.

"Just stay calm," Jean instructs.

"Okay," Rogue responds. "Just stay calm. We're okay now we're all okay."


We are okay. Logan nearly died but he didn't his body slowly started to heal him a week later.

"I'm glad your okay," I whisper one day when Jean asked me to check on him. He isn't awake now he is still unconscious. Cautiously I lift the bandages on his chest to watch his wounds heal instantly. Butterflies flutter up in my stomach and just blush.

"I am too," Logan murmurs his eyes cracking open. I jump and gasp in surprise immediately taking my hands off his chiseled perfect chest.

"I thought you were still asleep," I stammer.

"No just regained conscious right now actually," Logan mumbles. "Right when you had your hands on my chest."

"Your wounds are healing speedily," I report my blush deepening. "And my hands were there to check them."

"How is she?" Logan asks smirking and reaches his hand up to clasp mine.

"Alive little shaken but she's doing good. She fits right in here."

"Good," Logan says.

"Well I'll leave you to get dressed."


An hour later I sit in the front living room studying. I hear heavy familiar footsteps down the stairs and the clink of army tags. I perk up and walk to the end of this stairs to meet him. I frown and my stomach drops he's carrying his bag.

"Your leaving? Why?" I ask frantically.

"Yes I have things to do up north," Logan explains.

"But.." I trail off having nothing to say. Logan pats my shoulder and walks past getting to the front foyer before Rogue stops him.

"On the road again?" she asks.

"Yes," Logan replies.

"Need some company?"

"No you stay here and make a life," Logan suggests.

"Will you come back?"

"Yes eventually," Logan says.


"I promise here take these. Watch after then for me. Till I come back," Logan instructs, hands her his dog tags, and hugs Rogue before walking out the door. She stands frozen gaping at the army tags in her hand. I'm frozen as well.

I'm just letting him walk out like this. No I'm not. I dash out the floor and grab his arm before he can get on Scott's motorcycle.

"Wait," I beg and turn him around yanking him down by his face and give him a searing kiss. Sparks fly and I feel higher than the sky for a moment before it stops.

"Well I didn't think you'd have the courage to steal a kiss hon," Logan flirts winking at me.

"I'll give it back when you come back," I promise solemnly.

"Then I'll hurry back," Logan teases and pulls me in for another kiss before leaving on his motorcycle. He's gone in minutes leaving me standing alone tears in my eyes.




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