Chapter 6 Train Station part 1

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I sprint up to my father, he is about to enter cerebro.

"Wait dad let me," Ali offers closing her eyes. After a minute she opens them.

"She is at the train station," dad states, reading Ali's mind.

"I'll go get her," Logan grumbles and starts to walk out.

"No Logan that will give Magneto the perfect chance to take you. Storm, Scott, and Grace will go," dad orders.

"Logan she's alright," I reassure and gently take his arm.

"She's just upset we'll get here," Storm adds.


"No buts let us handle this," I demand and cut him off. Logan growls and storms out.

"Okay let's go peeps," I say and pull up my hood.

"Uh tail," Scott points.

"Uh awkward goggles," I retort. Scott shuts up after that. We don't have to take the jet. We're just gonna take Storms blue car.

"Wheres my cycle?" Scott asks. His motorcycle is gone. Logan probably took it.

"I don't know," I mutter and shrug.

"Scott get in the car," Storm orders impatiently. Scott reluctantly gets in the backseat. I get shot gun.

In minutes we are at the station.

"Okay you check the routes, I'll check the ticket master. And Grace you make sure none of Magneto's henchmen come along," Storm instructs. Scott and I nod then Storm walks off.

I sniff the air nothing out of the ordinary just human smell. Mutants always smell a little different. For example Logan smells like a wolf, Storm like rain, mom like fire, and dad like..well actually I can't describe his smell.

"Mommy look," a little kid points at Scott and I. I smile widely and wave. The mom shoots us a nasty look so I hiss at her. She quickly drags her son away.

"Someone different is here. It smells like pond and tiger?" I tell Scott with a raised eyebrow.

"May be Saber Tooth," Scott suggests.

"Possibly I'm gonna look around," I say to him and walk into the crowd following my nose.

Nothing so far wait, there! I turn my head to see Saber Tooth stalking right up to Storm. I launch myself at him and tackle him to the ground. In seconds I'm thrown off but I persist and attack him again. This time I manage to extend my claws and scratch him good. That's when he grabs my throat cutting of oxygen.

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