Chapter 10 Torch

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"So what do we do if the guards catch us?" Logan asks.

"Of there equipment is good enough to pick up this ship they deserve to catch us," Scott replies.

"Okay ready for landing?" Storm asks Scott.

"Yes 3 2 1," the ship clunks down rather roughly on the water.

"That landing was awful," Logan and I say in unison. We catch each others eyes and blush.

"You try flying this thing," Scott retorts.

"You know what bring it," I challenged and climb to the front.

"He was joking Grace let's go," Storm interjects grabs my arm before I can grab the wheel. I grumble but follow Storm out.

We creep into the base of the Statue of Liberty cautiously prepared for an attack. A loud siren causes me to jump and my tail to fluff up. It is Logan I forgot he's basically made to metal. Logan stabs the alarm and it goes quiet.

"You had to stab it," Scott huffs. Logan looks at him and retracts his claws except for the middle one. I snort trying to suppress a laugh.

"Stop it you two, focus," Jean lectures Logan and I roll our eyes but say nothing.

"Wait someone's here let me check it out," Logan whispers, sniffs the air, and walks out of sight only to return minutes later. "It's nothing I guess." Suddenly Logan jumps out and attacks Logan. They start slashing and hacking.

"LOGAN," I yell when one of them gets stabbed through the stomach. It heals instantly which means that must be real Logan.

"Don't get involved in this you'll get hurt," real Logan yells and forces fake Logan and him into a room and jams the door.

"Scott shoot it we have to help him," I plead.

"On it," Scott answers and shifts the trigger in his glasses. Then out of nowhere something hits Scott. He shoots the door and it blows open. I run through it without thinking determined to find Logan. I hear screams behind me but I know they can handle themselves.

"Logan?" I call. No answer I prick my ears and then I hear it the air whooshing as punches fly and a mechanical sounding voice. Instantly I run to it to see Logan losing a fight to Mystique. On instinct I jump on her and grab her around the neck. She throws me off and into the cement wall. It hurt and probably broke a rib but it heals quickly.

"Raven back down," I order and pick he ring the leg.

"I don't go by my slave name," Mystique snaps.

"Please slave name you were his sister," I growl in anger. She scowls and tackles me. Seconds later Wolverine's claws come right thorough her lower chest area and she goes limp. I shove her off and Logan helps me up.

"Her name is Raven?"

"Yes she was my dad's adopted sister," I answer.

"Well we have to find the others," Logan changes the subject. I nod in agreement and we both walk away leaving the blue body.

The Story of Grace Xavier (X-Men fan fic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz