Chapter 9 Executing our Plan

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No one speaks after a moment. Dad rolls in and Jean hooks up the senator to all these machines. Its like he's turning to water. Dad puts his hands over Kelly's head and closes his eyes.

"Storm could you stay here and watching the senator everyone else with me." Dad wheels out I reluctantly follow. "I know part of the plan and I have a feeling Alieana knows the restl," dad announces after we are in a different room.

This room is specifically for planning stuff. I know we have a planning room right! In the center of the room is a table where we can make sculptures in seconds.

"So Magneto's plan starts with a machine that can force mutation on humans. It has no effects on mutants though. But the effect of the machine on humans is a mutation but it's unnatural and the body will reject it. I have reason to believe Magneto doesn't know it kills he just thinks it mutates," dad explains.

"Magneto plans on using Rogue to power the machine," Ali chimes in.

"Yes because powering the machine almost killed him," dad elaborates.

"Magneto plans on using this machine tonight at the UN summit on all the world leaders there," Alieana says and as she talks the table shows the statue of liberty and where the UN summit will be. "He will be projecting from the Statue Libertys torch and it will extend to the place of the summit. But the effects could extend to the whole city."

"This is a dire situation we need to stop him or a lot of people will die and not in a peaceful way," dad sighs.

"Senator Kelly is dead," Storm reports as she runs in.

"As I feared," dad mutters.

"Okay I guess we're going to Ellis Island then let's suit up," I suggest.

"Yes Storm, Wolverine, Claws, Jean, and Scott you go," dad agrees. By the way I'm Claws.

"Daddy can I go?" Alieana questions.

"No Ali I don't want you getting hurt the next mission I promise you can go," dad answers and pats Ali's head.

"Fin,e" Ali groans. I run to the suit room and grab my suit. It's black and has an X in the center like everyone else's but their all different because the lines on the suit are different colors. My lines are purple. I pull my suit on in minutes. I've practiced changing quickly. I walk to the hanger and wait for the others.

"You wear these outside?" Logan asks walking out stretching his limbs. I have to say he looks nice in the suit.

"Yes it's better than yellow spandex which is what my parents had to wear," I reply and smirk. We both stand there eyeing each other in the tight suits.

"Okay you two let's go," Storm huffs and strolls by. Her suit has a cape and silver lines. Logan's has orange lines.

"Coming!" I jump in the jet. Scott is flying with Jean and co pilot. While Logan, Storm, and I sit in the back.

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