Chapter 11 Saber Tooth

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"Hey Jean Scott here we are, you guys okay?" Logan asks as we confront them.

"How do we know your the real Logan?" Scott demands.

"Your a dick" Logan remarks.

"Well okay," Scott utters and shrugs.

"Come one guys up here!" Storm calls from a level up.

"Coming," I call back.

We all make our way up the stars to the head of the Statue to get a better look.

"Wait? be on guard," Logan warns.

"Why?" Storm asks.

"I can't move," Logan groans and I know Magneto is here. I hold up my hands in a offense position but a strap of metal comes out of nowhere and pins me to the wall. Another strip pins my arms.

"No no ugh," I wail, struggle, and jerk against the restraints.

"Lets point those claws where they can't do damage shall we animals," Magneto taints and forces Logan and my hands to our chests.

"Let us go," I rumble while struggling frantically.

"But here you can watch the show," Magneto counters and smirks.

"HELP SOMEBODY HELP ME PLEASE me!" Rogue screeches from the torch.

"Rogue," Logan whispers.

"You better close your eyes," Magneto advises, takes Scott's goggles, and hands them to Sabertooth. That's when I see Scott is pinned to the wall with his eyes pointing at Jeans face. This won't end well.

"Erik don't do this your machine it...." I trail of when Magneto shoots me a deathly look.

"It mutates people it makes them like us. All those world leaders control our fate and soon our fate will be their fate," Magneto says.

"I've seen Senator Kelly," Jean announces.

"So the good senator survived his fall and then swam to shore. My he's become more powerful than I imagined," Magneto beams.

"He's dead," Storm, Logan, and I deadpan blatantly.

"I don't believe you and now I must leave and start the show."

Magneto levitates out of the torch and disappears inside. Rogue begs with him and all he can say is "I'm sorry dear but this is for the future of all." Tears are forming on my face and I struggle and jerk but it's useless.

"Grace calm down we'll think of something," Storm sooths.

"Okay I'm calm I'm fine totally fine just dandy," I assure with a crazed edge in my voice.

"Grace breathe," Logan tells me. I nod and take deep breaths and instantly I feel calmer.

"Okay we can do this," I say.

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