Chapter 7 Train Station Part 2

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"Scream, scream for mercy," Sabertooth demands.

"In your dreams," I growl and smirk when I see Storm summon lightning. "Have fun in lala land." Storm strikes Sabertooth and he lets go flying out of the train station window. That's when the roof blows up. Turns out Toad took Scott's glasses. I need not explain more.

"Scott!" Storm yells and we both run forward. Scott manages to hit the toad guy and he goes flying. But he took Scott's glasses with him. Scott holds his eyes closed and I put sunglasses on him.

"Good job Scott," I say half sarcastically.

"God how bad is- oh." Scott's mouth falls open when he sees his handiwork.

"Don't feel bad you can't control it," Storm murmurs and pats Scott's shoulder.

"Now we have to find Rogue let's split up," I suggest.

"Okay." Scott and Storm nod and we go our separate ways.

I sprint along trains looking through the windows desperate to find Rogue. I have this feeling something bad is going it happen. Finally I spot her and...Logan. Which means Magneto isn't far behind. I push the door open and run to them.

"Logan, Rogue we have to go like now," I pant and grab Logan's arm.

"What do you say kid give these nerds another chance?" Logan asks looking at Rogue. I have a feeling they just had a very serious talk.

"Yeah I guess," Rogue mutters, bites her lip, and nods. That's when the rattling starts. Everything metal is crumbling around us.

"Oh no Magneto is here," I whisper and the walls compact. The train is metal gosh we're so screwed.

"Hello Logan, Grace, Rogue," a sickeningly sweet voice greets.

"Hello Magneto," I greet sticky and turn to face him claws extending. I hiss like a cat and run at him. But I'm stopped by Logan. Logan grabs me and wraps his arms around me.

"Let me go Logan," I gasp and struggle.

"Oh it's not him that's doing this it's me. See Logan has a metal skeleton so I can control him," Magneto boasts. Logan is groaning trying to move his arms so I can move but instead his claws got to my neck. "Hold still Grace," Magneto demands. I glare at him. I may be able to heal but I think cutting me head off is actually the only way you can kill me.

"What do you want with me?" Logan growls.

"Always about you isn't it Logan no I don't want you," Magneto correct and smiles in a sinister way. Oh no not Rogue. I glance at Rogue and I hear Logan groan he's probably looking at her too. "Yes Logan I want the girl now be gone." Magneto waves his hand and sends us flying back to the next train car.

"ROGUE RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN," I screech. Rogue runs at us but something hits her and she collapses. Magneto collapses the train car on top of Logan and I. Luckily it was a luggage car so no civilians were hurt.

"MARIE," Logan yells.

"Too tight," I say out of breath. Logan's grip is getting tighter.

"Sorry I can't move," Logan grunts.




"Let them go," dad whispers. I know he is controlling Magneto's henchmen.

"They are innocent," I say into Magneto's mind. I can penetrate the helmet but only for a little while and I have to concentrate really hard. Mom and dad don't know but I'm sure they suspect my telepathy is really strong.

I'm concentrating so hard I miss the whole conversation. I'm searching Erik's mind looking for information. It's really exhausting. That's when I find it what I'm looking for. Erik plans on using Rogue to power a machine. That's all of get. I don't know what the machine is or why he needs Rogue to do it.

I pull out and pant. I shake my head and blink my vision is fuzzy.

"Alieana are you okay?" dad inquires with a concerned look.

"Fine just a little tired," I assure. Dad can't access my mind I have some sort of block or something. I don't know but I do.

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