Chapter 5 Rogue where?

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Today is Saturday so I'm free to do whatever. Well within reason. No going in public of course but still!

"Wooh Saturday," I yell running to the stairs and jumping down instead of walking down.

"Grace be careful," dad scolds as he wheels by.

"Sorry," I apologize quickly before running to the gym. That's when I realize I exercise for fun..It's not even that fun!

Other kids get taken places on Saturday not me though. There are some kids like me that can't go out but they all hang out and play video games. I don't do that.

Suddenly I'm very bored. I sigh heavily and drag myself to the gym. Slowly and weakly I hit a punching bag.

"Bored?" Alieana asks flying in.

"Yes I am," I sigh.

"Well I am too," she says and shrugs.

"Don't you usually watch Piotr from afar," I tease. Piotr is the boy Ali likes he can turn his whole body into steel and he is like six feet tall. We call him Colossus. But he is my age making him 5 years older than Aliena. That upsets her quite a bit.

"Hey shut up," Alieana snaps.

"I'm sure he likes you, why don't you just read his mind?" I ask.

"Because I don't read other students minds unless absolutely necessary," Alieana explains. "It's a strict moral code."

"Makes sense." I nod in understanding.

"Somethings wrong," Alieana murmurs suddenly.


"Another mind just entered the school."

"Can you read it?"

"Not gonna do that it's probably a new student but we should check it out anyway.

"Good idea," I agree and we both run out to the front of the school where Alieana sensed the new mind.

"No new student it's just a bunch of old students," I report. I know everyone in this school and I mean everyone.

"It's moving to the right by the basketball court." Alieana and I run out to the field look around. Bobby and Rogue are sitting on a bench very much absorbed in each others company.

"The only new student I see is Rogue talking Bobby," I inform.

"That doesn't seem like Bobby."

"But it is him last time. I checked that's what Bobby looks like."

"You're right I'll go talk to dad he'll know why my telepathy is messing up," Alieana mutters and stomps off. She always gets upset when the instability of her powers show.

"Well now who do I talk to?"

"You can talk to me," Logan offers appearing out of nowhere.

"Stop sneaking up on me," I order and play hit him.

"Sorry doll," Logan teases.

"I'm not a doll."

"Well why not?"

"Dolls are perfect. They're tall, have perfect make up, perfect body, and they can go anywhere they want without being called freak."

"Well your perfect to me and you're a perfect mutant and that is something to be proud of." I flush red and bite my lip.

"Thanks you're very perfect yourself" I kiss his cheek. Now both our faces are red as tomatoes.

"HEY LOGAN GRACE ROGUE IS GONE HURRY," Alieana shouts flying up. I whip around to see her but she is gone.

"Really?! Let's go," Logan exclaims and runs toward the school Alieana and I follow him quickly.

"Logan she'll be ok," I assure him as we take the elevator down to the lower floors. Logan half smiles to me in return.

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