Chapter 4 Thats why I sleep alone

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Happy pure joy I feel right now happy Pure bliss and absolute peace. This place is wonderful. This place happens to be a rainbow I'm dancing on a rainbow.

"Hey!" Logan calls as he strolls up.

"Oh Logan hi," I sigh happily.

"Dreams over." Logan smirks and his claws extend right into my stomach.

"AHHHHHHH," I scream and jolt awake. Looking around I see I'm in my room where I fell asleep. Must have been a nightmare.

Wait what's that? I hear muttering and footsteps in the hall. Somethings wrong. I jump up and gently open my door. Alieana moans in her sleep and rolls over on her bed. Phew I didn't wake her. She needs her sleep. Lately every night she has a nightmare.

I see Rogue walk into Wolverines room. Rogue must be going to Wolverine for comfort. Storm told me that Rogue was traveling with Wolverine. I wait outside the door for a few minutes listening to Rogues attempts to wake Wolverine. He must be having a nightmare.

*Shkt* the sound of Wolverines claws coming out and a scream. I bust the door open to find Wolverine calling for help while Rogue has three holes in her shoulder and is crumbling to the ground.

"Oh my gosh Rogue!" I run up and grab her hand. Dad told me her mutation. It's sucking someone energy and life force. She can borrow mutants powers.

Instantly I feel as if all the energy in my body was being sucked out. I choke on air and drop her hand falling to the ground and shaking.

"Grace Grace talk to me!" Logan pleads and kneels next to me.

That is the last thing I hear before blackness.


When I wake I feel drained physically. Like some on had juiced me like a lemon.

"Grace I'm glad your alright," dad muses. He is sitting right next to my bed.

"I feel dead. How's Rogue?" I ask instantly remembering.

"She is quite alright thanks to you," dad answers  and I sigh in relief.

"I feel like she killed me," I mutter.

"She could have if you held on any longer," dad adds casually. It's weird how he can remain so calm.

"Oh's Logan?" I hold my head and slowly sit up.

"I'm fine thank you," Logan says from right next to me. I jump and squeal.

"Dont scare me like that my gosh," I snap and playfully punch him.

"I'll give you two a minute. See you in the morning Grace," dad chuckles and rolls away.

"You too!" I call and wave.

"So thank you for giving Rogue the energy instead of me and thank you for saving her," Logan says with a genuine smile.

"No problem. By the way what's your relationship with her? You two seem close," I question looking at him. A hopeful feeling is in my chest.

"I don't really know I just feel the need to keep her safe."

"So a father daughter relationship."

"Yeah I guess."

"You know at first I thought you were a hot, self centered, sarcastic, asshole but now I see a whole new side of you."

"You think I'm hot?" I blush bright red I wasn't supposed to say that.

"Shut up," I grumble and shove him.

"You said it not me," Logan chuckles and holds up his hands.

"Goodnight Logan," I say adamantly and point to the door.

"Night beautiful," Logan compliments and strolls out.

"Well I totally ship Lace," Alieana interjects from her bed on the other side of the room.

"Oh go to sleep," I shout throwing a pillow at her.

"Fine I won't say anything," Alieana giggles.

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