Chapter Two

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In most cases, I do not mind being the fifth wheel. That being said, there are a few exceptions. Of course, I am human too.

Here's the thing. I do not mind being the fifth wheel when we hang out. When we eat lunch. When we go home. When we do our schoolwork together. Okay, maybe I do mind a little bit, but still.

However, I definitely mind being the fifth wheel in situations where we have to group up for an activity. If only anybody had an idea how much this sucks.

When you are the odd wheel in your circle of friends, you are not the first choice in these types of situations. It is always the girlfriend/boyfriend first. Your friends will only group up with you when they have no other choice. Also, you get to pair up with various types of people, and it could be a good experience.

Or not.

For example, today. For our Biology class, our teacher, Mr. Kyle Zapata, asked us to group ourselves in pairs. Of course, the default pairings were Klaus and Tana, as well as Venice and Vince. Obviously, I was the one who had to look for a partner. Lucky were those people; they did not need to go through what I needed to go through.

"Is everybody paired up?" Mr Zapata queried the class, in his deep, soft-spoken tone.

Not me, I thought.

"Okay, let me announce those groups who have submitted their member names," he went on. "Venice del Castillo and Vince Andrade..."

"...Tana Fallore and Klaus Martinez..."

"Considering that you are thirty in your class, I need to have fifteen papers with me," Mr Zapata said. "However, I only have thirteen."

Shit, I thought. I'm one of those rare people who don't have a pair.

"Sir." A cheeky-sounding female voice echoed in the laboratory. "Can't I pair up with you instead?"

The class dissolved in fits of laughter.

"Very funny, Megan," Mr Zapata remarked.

I shook my head.

Okay, fine. I had to admit. He was twenty-four, and he was definitely a fine-looking teacher. Still, I wouldn't have the guts to cross the recommended student-teacher boundary just like that. How his fan girls managed to do so, I do not know. At least, he was not as strict as the other teachers here...

"Eloisa Muñoz." Finally, he called out to me. Anyway, teachers always called out to me in these sorts of situations. "You haven't submitted your paper yet. Haven't you found a pair yet?"

I shook my head.

"For those who haven't found their partners yet, raise your hand," Mr Zapata announced.

Of course, up in the air my hand went. Also, I looked around for possible partners.

There were three other people who didn't have a pair.

Aha! I thought. Maybe I could pair up with Astrid Sanchez. She is a Bio whiz. Only, she does not have lots of friends, which is probably why she is having a hard time...

"Hey, Astrid." Samantha Go, another one who didn't have a pair, nudged her. "Let's pair up."

Just like that, my heart dropped.

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