Chapter Eight

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When you are an odd wheel, I bet this apples to you: 99% of the time, you manage to smile to the faces of your couple friends and tell them that you're okay (even though there is actually a 50/50 chance of you being okay). However, 1% of the time, you can't help but unleash the savage.

It started the next day after the Venice-and-Vince fight. The first thing I saw when I slipped in the campus was a scene of Vince practicing his footwork with a soccer ball while Venice adoringly watched him. They were both in the P.E. uniforms.

Ah, yes. We have P.E. today.

"Ely!" As if Fate willed her to, Venice craned her head to my direction. "There you are!"

I am surprised that you even noticed me, given how lovingly you looked at Vince, I thought.

"Yeah." I nodded stupidly. "What's up?"

"Thank you." Venice tackled me in a hug. "Because of you, Vince and I were able to make up."

"Huh?" I glanced over at Vince, who stopped the soccer ball with his foot and turned to us. "I didn't do anything."

"You did." Venice and Vince said that in unison.

"That is why," Venice added, "Vince and I are going to treat you later to shawarma. What do you think?"

"Hmm..." I rubbed my chin and thought.

"Don't get me wrong," Venice assured me. "We're going to hang out as friends. There won't be anybody dating, and there won't be any third wheel. Okay?"

"It's going to be fun!" Vince wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"Sure, I'll go," I replied.

Still, that doesn't mean that I believe that you guys won't end up dating and I won't be a third wheel.

"Yay!" Venice exclaimed. "You won't regret it, I swear. Come on, let's get you changed for P.E. I'll accompany you to the restroom."

When Venice says that I won't regret it, I usually end up regretting it more than anything else in my life.


Fast forward to after school. Venice, Vince, and I were strolling the mall grounds. In terms of clothing, Vince was the third wheel. Among the three of us, he was the only one who was wearing his P.E. uniform and holding a soccer ball. Venice and I were in our usual uniforms.

Still, we all know who the actual third wheel was.

As usual, Venice and Vince were on leech mode. Literally, I never saw them not hold each other for one second. If only they had an idea about the ridiculously gossipy eyes that trailed after them. As for me, I followed behind.

I do not know these people, okay?

"Venice, do you think it was okay for us to leave Klaus and Tana behind?" Vince queried.

"Huh?" Venice peered at Vince's face. "Of course it was! They were having their own moment in the library a while ago. They were watching this romance anime in Tana's laptop...was it Nijiiro Days? And I didn't want to interrupt."

I smirked, then typed in a message for Klaus.

To: Klaus Martinez

You idiot. You never told me. You're watching Nijiiro Days?

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